
Codebase for Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning (ERL) from the paper "Evolution-Guided Policy Gradients in Reinforcement Learning" published at NeurIPS 2018

Primary LanguagePython

The master branch introduces many additions over the NeurIPS paper published in 2018 - improving significantly on runtime and algorithmic performance. The primary changes are detailed below:

  1. Parallleized rollouts
  2. Soft-Actor Critic (SAC) https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.01290 replacing the DDPG used originally
  3. Support for Discrete Environments using a form of DDQN + Maximum Entropy Reinforcement Learning

Please switch to neurips_paper_2018 branch if you wish to reproduce the original results from the paper https://papers.nips.cc/paper/7395-evolution-guided-policy-gradient-in-reinforcement-learning.pdf

Dependencies Tested on

Python 3.6.9
Pytorch 1.2
Numpy 1.18.1
Gym 0.15.6
Mujoco-py v1.50.1.59

To Run

python main.py --env $ENV_NAME$

Environment name examples to get you started





To use your own custom environment

Write a gym-compatible wrapper around your environment and register it with the gym runtime