Depandance is the dependency injection container library. Is is quite compacts and has a lot of features you can find in the more popular DI container libraries. ## What are the dependecies? Dependecies is the fancy word for a class consturctor parameters. So the objects certain class depends on/ ## What is the dependecy injection? Is is one of the programming design patters, watch great video about it Video ## What is the dependecy injection container? It is library that helps to create instance of object with all its dependecines
. At the beggining you need to register the dependecines classess to the container, then any class that was registed, can be obtained for the container.
Injecting object via constructor
Method object providers
Class Scanner to avoid manual registration Scanner
You need to get List of objects in the constructor, no problem
Create object instance by yourself and register it to container!
Object lifetimes [SINGLETON, TRANSIENT] see
Highly customizable, adjust container with build in events system
public class _01_Basic {
public static void main(String[] args) {
- Singleton There will be only one instance of object created by container
- Transient everytime `container.find` is used new instance of object is created
DependanceContainer container = Dependance.newContainer()
.registerTransient(Shop.class, LocalShop.class) //registration interface to implementation
ShopManager shopManager1 = container.find(ShopManager.class);
ShopManager shopManager2 = container.find(ShopManager.class);
Shop shop1 = container.find(Shop.class);
Shop shop2 = container.find(Shop.class);
Assert.assertEquals(shopManager1, shopManager2);
System.out.println("There always same instance of shop manager");
Assert.assertEquals(shopManager1.getConfig(), shopManager2.getConfig());
System.out.println("There always same instance of config");
Assert.assertNotEquals(shop1, shop2);
System.out.println("There are different instances of shop");
public class _02_Object_Instances
public static void main(String[] args)
Config myConfigInstance = new Config();
DependanceContainer container = Dependance.newContainer()
.registerSingleton(Config.class, myConfigInstance) //in case we want to make instance manually we can put object as second argument
//more complex case, we want to find or put manually arguments to created instance
//for that we can use lamda resolver that has container as input, and object instance as output
var config = (Config)di.find(Config.class);
var shop = new LocalShop(config);
System.out.println("Shop has been created: "+shop);
return shop;
Config config = container.find(Config.class);
LocalShop shop1 = container.find(LocalShop.class);
LocalShop shop2 = container.find(LocalShop.class);
System.out.println("Config has same instance");
System.out.println("Shops has different instances");
public class _03_Lists {
public static void main(String[] args) {
DependanceContainer container = Dependance.newContainer()
.registerTransient(Shop.class, OnlineShop.class)
.registerTransient(Shop.class, LocalShop.class)
List<Shop> shops = (List<Shop>) container.find(List.class, Shop.class);
for (var shop : shops) {
System.out.println("Shops: " + shop.getClass().getSimpleName());
Assert.assertEquals(2, shops.size());
public class _04_Events {
public static void main(String[] args) {
DependanceContainer container = Dependance.newContainer()
.registerSingleton(Shop.class, LocalShop.class)
.registerSingleton(Shop.class, OnlineShop.class)
.configure(config ->
Object shops = container.find(Shop.class, String.class);
private static Boolean onRegistration(OnRegistrationEvent event) {
System.out.println("onRegistration event: " + event.registrationInfo().implementation().getSimpleName());
return true; //If false `container.find` injection is not registered to container
private static Object onInjection(OnInjectionEvent event) {
var inputType = event.input();// searched class type provided as first parameters
var genericTypes = event.inputGenericParameters(); //list of generic types provided as second parameter
var outputObject = event.output(); //Target object instance type has not been found then output value is null
var container = event.container(); //access to DI container
var injectonMetadata = event.injectionInfo();
System.out.println("OnInjection input class: " + inputType.getSimpleName());
System.out.println("OnInjection output class: " + outputObject.getClass().getSimpleName());
System.out.println("OnInjection genericTypes: " + genericTypes.length);
System.out.println("OnInjection metadata: " + injectonMetadata.toString());
return outputObject;
public class _05_Generic_Types {
public static void main(String[] args) {
var container = Dependance.newContainer()
.configure(configuration ->
* Since java is not storing information about generic type after compilation
* we can not assign class with generic type to variable, so Repository<MyGenericType>.class is not possible
* Therefor all cases with generic types (besides lists) must be handled manually in onInjection event
configuration.onInjection(injection ->
if (!injection.input().isAssignableFrom(Repository.class)) {
return injection.output();
var genericParameter = injection.inputGenericParameters()[0];
if (genericParameter.equals(OnlineShop.class)) {
return new Repository<OnlineShop>();
if (genericParameter.equals(LocalShop.class)) {
return new Repository<LocalShop>();
return new Repository();
//first parameter is class, second one is its generic parameter
var exampleGenericsTypes = container.find(ExampleGenericsTypes.class);
public static class ExampleGenericsTypes {
private Repository<OnlineShop> onlineShopRepository;
private Repository<LocalShop> localShopRepository;
public ExampleGenericsTypes(Repository<OnlineShop> onlineShopRepository,
Repository<LocalShop> localShopRepository) {
this.onlineShopRepository = onlineShopRepository;
this.localShopRepository = localShopRepository;
public class _06_AutoScan {
* To avoid boring manually registering Types to container
* use `scan` method that is looking for all Classes and Methods
* with annotation @Injection and register it automatically
public static void main(String[] args) {
* package under which code will be scanned should be scanned
* scanner is looking for all Method and Classes that are having @Injection annotation
Class<?> rootClass = _06_AutoScan.class;
DependanceContainer container = Dependance.newContainer()
.scan(options ->
.scan(rootClass, (scannedClasses, containerBuilder) ->
System.out.println("Hello from scanner those are found classes");
for (var clazz : scannedClasses)
Config config = container.find(Config.class);
ExampleClass exampleClass = container.find(ExampleClass.class);
OnlineShop onlineShop = container.find(OnlineShop.class);
ExampleScannClass exampleScannClass = container.find(ExampleScannClass.class);
* This is equivalent of
* <p>
* container.registerTransient(OnlineShop.class,container1 ->
* {
* System.out.println("Hello from the online shop factory");
* return new OnlineShop();
* })
@Injection(lifeTime = LifeTime.TRANSIENT)
private static OnlineShop onlineShopFactory() {
System.out.println("Hello from the online shop factory");
return new OnlineShop();
* This is equivalent of
* <p>
* container.registerSingleton(ExampleScannClass.class);
@Injection(lifeTime = LifeTime.SINGLETON)
public static class ExampleScannClass {
public ExampleScannClass() {
System.out.println("Hello world!");
public class _07_Overriding {
public static void main(String[] args) {
DependanceContainer container = Dependance.newContainer()
.registerTransient(Shop.class, OnlineShop.class)
.registerTransient(Shop.class, OfflineShop.class)
* By again declaring Shop but with different implementation (OnlineShop)
* We are telling container to Override (OfflineShop) and always returns (OnlineShop)
Shop shop = container.find(Shop.class);
Assert.assertEquals(OfflineShop.class, shop.getClass());
System.out.println("shop object is instance of OfflineShop Class");
public class _08_ManyConstructors
* By the default the first constructor is always targeted for injecting parameters
* However, sometimes class can have more than one constructor, or we want to use
* specific one.
* To do that use @Inject annotation over wanted constructor
public static void main(String[] args) {
DependanceContainer container = Dependance.newContainer()
ManyConstructorsExample example = container.find(ManyConstructorsExample.class);
System.out.println("It works!");
public static class ManyConstructorsExample
public ManyConstructorsExample(String a, int b, boolean c)
public ManyConstructorsExample(ExampleClass c)
System.out.println("Hello from constructor with ExampleClass parameter");
public static class ExampleClass
public class _09_Fields {
public static void main(String[] args) {
DependanceContainer container = Dependance.newContainer()
_09_Fields.ExampleSerivce example = container.find(_09_Fields.ExampleSerivce.class);
public static class ExampleSerivce {
ExampleClass exampleClass;
public static class ExampleClass {
public void sayIt() {
System.out.println("Hello world!");
public class _10_Methods
public static void main(String[] args) {
DependanceContainer container = Dependance.newContainer()
_10_Methods.ExampleClass example = container.find(_10_Methods.ExampleClass.class);
public static class ExampleSerivce
_09_Fields.ExampleClass exampleClassProvider()
return new _09_Fields.ExampleClass();
public static class ExampleClass {
public void sayIt() {
System.out.println("Hello world!");
public class _11_ResolveParameters {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
DependanceContainer container = Dependance.newContainer()
.configure(config ->
config.onInjection(onInjectionEvent ->
if (!onInjectionEvent.input().equals(ExampleWithGenerics.class)) {
return onInjectionEvent.output();
var geneicsTyles = onInjectionEvent.inputGenericParameters()[0];
if (!String.class.equals(geneicsTyles)) {
return onInjectionEvent.output();
return new ExampleWithGenerics<String>();
var method = _11_ResolveParameters.class.getDeclaredMethod(
var parameters = container.resolveParameters(method);
method.invoke(null, parameters);
public static void sayHello(_11_ResolveParameters.ExampleWithGenerics<String> exampleService,
_11_ResolveParameters.ExampleClass exampleClass) {
System.out.println("Hello world");
public static class ExampleWithGenerics<T> {
public static class ExampleClass {