
An iOS app that displays some favorite recipes from Recipe.com

Primary LanguageSwift


An iOS app that displays some favorite recipes from Recipe.com

##Lesson 3: Set up a TableView DataSource

###Step 1: Create a Navigation Controller

  • Clone down this project (or create a new single view controller in Xcode)
  • Create a UIViewController called RecipeViewController
  • In the AppDelegate didFinishLaunching method initialize a UINavigationController with a recipeViewController instance as the rootViewController
  • Make the navigationController the rootViewController of the window.

Step 2: Add a tableview to the view

  • Add a UITableView as a property on the viewController class
  • Initialize and add the tableView as a subview of the main view

Step 3: Import the RARecipes model into your app

Step 4: Create a new tableViewDatasource

  • Create a NSObject subclass called RecipesTableViewDataSource
  • In the header file, adopt the UITableViewDataSource protocol
  • Add the required UITableViewDataSource methods to the implementation file
  • In numberOfRows return RARecipes class method count
  • in cellForRowAtIndexPath return a cell with the textLabel.text set to the string RARecipes class titleAtIndex for indexPath.row