Exercises and Projects from Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Udemy course
This comprehensive course gives teaches the fundamentals of Data Science and Machine Learning using python and its corresponding libraries.
Courese topics covered:
Programming with Python, NumPy with Python, Using pandas Data Frames to solve complex tasks, Use pandas to handle Excel Files, Web scraping with python, Connect Python to SQL, Use matplotlib and seaborn for data visualizations, Use plotly for interactive visualizations.
Machine Learning with SciKit Learn, including: Linear Regression, K Nearest Neighbors, K Means Clustering, Decision Trees, Random Forests, Natural Language Processing, Neural Nets and Deep Learning, Support Vector Machines.
Taught by Jose Portilla Course website: https://www.udemy.com/python-for-data-science-and-machine-learning-bootcamp/ Certificate of Completion: https://www.udemy.com/certificate/UC-D4Z7NZ9Z/