
Container with imagemagick, optipng, and pngcrush.


docker build -t jweissig/alpine-imagemagick .
docker push jweissig/alpine-imagemagick
Pull the image
docker pull jweissig/alpine-imagemagick
Run container (mount in a data directory)
docker run -it --rm -v ~/Desktop:/DATA jweissig/alpine-imagemagick
Use ImageMagick to resize images
bash-4.3# cd /DATA/
bash-4.3# convert example.png -geometry 200x example-200x.png
Use ImageMagick to create animated GIFs
bash-4.3# cd /DATA/
bash-4.3# convert -delay 100 *.png animated.gif
Use OptiPNG to recompress image to a smaller size
bash-4.3# optipng example-200x.png