- 13
_get_comp_words_by_ref command not found
#2 opened by andhapp - 4
Can't find the rails-completion on brew
#18 opened by simonweil - 1
Add to readme - update bash on MacOsX
#13 opened by prcaen - 0
Add rails 4 support
#14 opened by nleo - 8
Failed with Mac OS X Mountain Lion
#11 opened - 1
- 0
Allow scaffold/model/migration generators to accept “index” and “uniq” modifiers
#10 opened by jweslley - 0
Add destroy alias for Rails command line
#9 opened by jweslley - 1
Add completions for capistrano, rake, etc
#8 opened by ndbroadbent - 1
Incorrect generator completion
#5 opened by schiza - 2
Incorrect generator name completion
#4 opened by andhapp - 2
- 9