
Access the HTML5 data-* elements via a Prototype method


Access the HTML5 data-* elements via a PrototypeJS method

the HTML5 spec allows for custom attributes on any HTML element starting with data-*

In Firefox/Safari/Chrome these data fields are available in the dataset property - this method will add the ability to access or set the custom data attributes easily in all browsers supported by PrototypeJS. The data fields will be CamelCase according to the HTML5 spec


Include PrototypeJS in your page then include this javascript

<script type="text/javascript" src="prototype.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="prototypejs.html5data.min.js"></script>

Then any elements on your page with data-* attributes

<div id="datatest" data-order-number="34095" data-first-name="Jonny"></div>

can be easily accessed

//Get the data-order-number value


//Set the data-new-url value

//Delete an existing data-old-url value

See it in action
