Security issue - Email is the same as from the forked repo
mamema opened this issue · 7 comments
Describe Your Problem:
i would like to repport a security issue. But i don't think the email linked in the "Security Reporting" afrea is still valid.
Please provide actual contact information
I'll have to try and find what section you are talking about with a bad email. But just report what you have here.
i mean your own security seciton here:
...and no, vulnerability issues public reporting isn't a good thing. Talk public AFTER fixing it.
This is a forked repository. I didn't see that doc and have removed it as nothing in there is relevant to this fork. You can send information to if you think the vulnerability lies in this bundling of Apache Guacamole.
Tomcat has been updated to 9.0.85 and default files cleaned out.
If you can point to the default files in the container that should be removed I will remove them.