
Mechanical translation of dBase expressions to SQL

Primary LanguageRust

A library for parsing CodeBase (dBase) expressions and mechanically translating them into SQL expressions.

dBase SQL Notes
a + b * c (a+(b*c)) Note correct operator precedence
(a + b) * c ((a+b)*c) ditto
"T"$L_NAME INSTR(L_NAME,'T') Conversion from double quoted string to SQL's single quotes; $ to INSTR function call
(DATE() + 1) - STOD("20240731") ((STRFTIME('%Y%m%d')+1)-CONCAT_WS('-',SUBSTR('20240731',1,4),SUBSTR('20240731',5,2),SUBSTR('20240731',7,2))) Ugly, but deals with differences in Date representation


cargo run will run the sample program (src/main.rs) which runs a bunch of test strings through the parse-translate-print cycle.


  • Correctly parse dBase expressions into an parse tree
  • Translate the dBase parse tree to a SQL parse tree
  • Serialize the SQL parse tree as SQL
  • Use type context to implement overloaded operations (primarily +, -)
  • Pretty-printing of SQL


  • The parsing of dBase expressions is implemented with a Lalrpop grammar (src/grammar.lalrpop) and supported by the AST in src/ast.rs.
  • The SQL AST and translation code is in src/sql.rs
  • The SQL serialization is in src/to_sql.rs