
A ruby recursive descent parser generator

Primary LanguageRuby



Grammy is a DSL that generates recursive descent parsers. The DSL is inspired by the boost::spirit parser framework for c++. I try to keep the DSL as close as possible to EBNF syntax but add several parsing-features to it (e.g. Skippers, Error detection, lists).

General Information

  • Ruby 1.9.1 only (using features that are not part of 1.8.6/7)
  • Requires ruby-graphviz for writing an AST to an image file
  • Require log4r for logging


git clone the repository, cd into the directory and execute rake gem. Then do sudo gem install pkg/Grammy-x.x.x.gem.


  • Most EBNF features: Sequences, Repetition, Alternatives, Optional rules, Regex rules
  • Shortcut for lists: list and list?
  • Skipping of characters: comments, whitespaces between words
  • Generation of an AST. Most unused tokens can be removed automatically.
  • AST can be written to an image file with help of ruby-graphviz.
  • Error handling: disable backtracking with the & operator and get simple syntax error reports

Recent Changes

  • Optional rules can now be defined inside []: rule a => 'maybe' >> [x >> +y]
  • Added an AST::Walker that can be used to traverse an AST
  • Regex rules
  • rules now dont need to be symbols. They are implemented via method_missing returning the method name as symbol. This is closer to BNF. Also later on parameters might be passed: rule x(param1) => other_rule(param2) >> '.'


  • Combining of regex rules: token x => /[a-z]+/ | /[_]+/
  • Subtraction: +('a'..'z') - 'reserved'
  • semantic actions
  • validation (rules which never match, left recursion)
  • much more: see doc/todo.txt

Define a grammar

First: require 'Grammy'

Empty Grammar

All grammars in Grammy are defined inside a define-block:

g = Grammy.define :optional_name do
	# rules here


The following BNF grammar:

<sometoken> ::= ('a' | ... | 'z')+ ('0' | .. | '9')*

can be defined in grammy like this:

rule sometoken ::= /[a-z]+[0-9]*/


The following BNF grammar:

<myrule> ::= 'test' 'other'

can be defined in grammy like this:

g = Grammy.define do
	rule myrule => 'test' >> 'other'

The >> is the sequence operator which indicates that the string 'test' should be followed by the string 'other'.


The BNF grammar:

<lower> ::= 'a' | 'b' | .. | 'z'

can be defined like this:

g = Grammy.define do
	rule lower => 'a' | 'b' | .. | 'z'

or shorter:

g = Grammy.define do
	rule lower => 'a'..'z'

So the range is a shortcut.


The following BNF grammar:

<digits> ::= (1 | 2 | .. | 9)+

can be defined like this:

g = Grammy.define do
	rule digits => +('1'..'9')

So the + operator (Kleene-cross) has just to be in front of the subrule that should be repeated. The ~ operator used in grammy is the equivalent to the kleene-star (0..infinite repetitions). Like the + operator, ~ has to stand in front of the rule that should be repeated. Constant repetition like 'a' * 4 and ranged repetition like 'a' * (0..7) is also possible (+, ~ and constant repetitions are just special cases of ranged repetitions).

Multiple rules

The following BNF grammar with multiple rules:

<lower> ::= 'a' | .. | 'z'
<upper> ::= 'A' | .. | 'Z'
<letter> ::= <lower> | <upper>
<word> ::= <letter>+

is defined like this:

g = Grammy.define do
	rule lower => 'a'..'z'
	rule upper => 'A'..'Z'
	rule letter => lower | upper
	rule word => +letter

Optional rules

The following BNF grammar with an optional rule:

<optional> ::= ['a']

can be defined like this:

g = Grammy.define do
	rule optional => ['a']

or like this:

g = Grammy.define do
	rule a => 'a'
	rule optional => a?

So you can use the [] or you have to append a ? to the name of a helper rule.

EOS Rule

You can use the eos rule to match the end of a string:

g = Grammy.define do
	start words => 'hello' >> 'world' >> eos

List Rule

Lists are things that often occur in grammars, e.g. a parameter list:

g = Grammy.define do
	rule item => ('a'..'z')*(2..8)
	start items => item >> ~(',' >> item)

Since this occurs very often and is not very readable, there is a shortcut for lists:

g = Grammy.define do
	rule item => ('a'..'z')*(2..8)
	start items => list(item)

The seperator can be specified with the second parameter of list (default is ',').


You can use the defined grammar to parse strings:

g = Grammy.define do
	rule lower => 'a'..'z'
	rule upper => 'A'..'Z'
	rule letter => lower | upper
	rule word => +letter

result = g.parse("someword", rule: :word)
result.full_match? #=> true

result = g.parse("someword", rule: :letter)
result.full_match? #=> false
result.partial_match? #=> true

Most grammars have a start rule. You can set that start rule inside the grammar:

g = Grammy.define do
	rule lower => 'a'..'z'
	rule upper => 'A'..'Z'
	rule letter => lower | upper
	start word => +letter # this is now the start rule

The rule word is now the start rule. If no rule is supplied to parse, then the start rule is used.


Often you want to skip several parts of the grammar (e.g whitespaces or comments). Thats what a skipper does:

g = Grammy.define do
	default_skipper whitespacs => +' '
	start words => 'hello' >> 'world'

The skipper now skips whitespaces when parsing:

g.parse("hello        world").full_match? #=> true
g.parse("helloworld").no_match? #=> true

You dont want to skip in every rule. Skippers are disabled when you declare the rule as token:

g = Grammy.define do
	default_skipper whitespacs => +' '
	token word => +('a'..'z') # no skipping between the characters
	start words => 'hello' >> 'world' >> word

You can use multiple skippers:

g = Grammy.define do
	default_skipper a_skipper => ~'a'
	skipper b_skipper => ~'b'

	rule content => +'+', skipper: :b_skipper
	start enclosed_content => '{' >> content >> '}'

g.should fully_match("aaa{aabb+bbbb+baa}")

The default skipper is used by all rules (except tokens and fragments) by default. You can change the skipper from default to a custom one by passing the name of the skipper (skipper: :b_skipper) as extra parameter like in the example above.

AST Generation

When parsing a string an abstract syntax tree is generated for the string:

image of example AST

The AST can be accessed like this:

t = g.parse("helloworld").tree
t.data #=> "helloworld", the string that got matched by this node
t.children #=> array of child nodes

To output the AST there are two methods:

  • as string: tree.to_string_tree
  • as image: tree.to_image('my_ast') # graphviz required. default output format is '.png'

Many substrings that are matched by the grammar are automatically not included in the AST:

  • characters matched by a skipper

  • rules without a name dont create AST-Nodes:

    rule a => +('a'..'z')

    This creates only one node for the rule 'a'. Not one for each character.

AST - Walker

An AST-Walker traverses the Abstract Syntax Tree constructed by the parser. A Walker can be built by using a simple DSL:

my_context = class Context
	def add_class(name); ... ;end
	def close_class(name); ... ;end
	def current_class; ... ;end

@walker = AST::Walker::Builder.new(context: my_context) do

	before(:class_def) do |class_def|
		add_class(class_def[:class_name]) # create a new empty class
	after(:class_def) do |class_def|
		close_class(class_def[:class_name]) # adding attributes and methods is finished now

	after(:attribute_def) do |attr_def|

The before and after methods register a block with the name of nodes. When the Walker visits a node with that name the registered block is called with the node as its parameter. Blocks registered with before are called before descendants of the node have been visited. Blocks registered with after are called after the descendant nodes have been visited. The AST::Walker traverses the tree in a top-down and left-to-right direction.

The context-object is used to store information between calls of the registered blocks. Method calls inside of the blocks are delegated to the context-object. So the context-object can be used to store symbols, types, classes, variables, scopes, generated code, errors and other things.

The Walker can be applied to an AST in the following way:


Error Detection

The operator '&' which behaves like the '>>' operator disables backtracking. This means:

rule err_seq => 'aaa' & 'bbb'

Is nearly equivalent to:

rule seq => 'aaa' >> 'bbb'

With the exception that when err_seq matches 'aaa' in the input, backtracking is disabled, so the next string in the input MUST be 'bbb', otherwise a SyntaxError is added to the errors array of the ParseResult returned by Grammar#parse.

SyntaxErrors look like this when written to console:



the output is:

Syntax error
| in source 'unknown'
| in line 1 at column 4
| "aaabb"
| ----^
| Expected: 'bbb'
| In Rule: err_seq -> 'aaa' 'bbb'

And for:


the message is:

Syntax error
| in source 'unknown'
| in line 1 at column 4
| "aaaBBB"
| ----^
| Expected: 'bbb'
| In Rule: err_seq -> 'aaa' 'bbb'

You can specify the source by passing it as option to the Grammy#parse method:

g.parse("aaaBBB", source: 'XXX').errors.first

resulting in:

Syntax error
| in source 'XXX'
| in line 1 at column 4
| "aaaBBB"
| ----^
| Expected: 'bbb'
| In Rule: err_seq -> 'aaa' 'bbb'


You can see what the parser is doing when you turn debugging on:

g.parse("some input", debug: true)

Or shorter:

g.parse!("some input")


Use Regex instead of Alternatives for Tokens:

token x => +('a'..'z')

is slower than:

token x => /[a-z]+/


There are several rspec tests which might inspire you (e.g. common_grammars_spec.rb).

For very complex grammars you can do something like this:


  name: "Empty class"
  code: |
	  class EmptyClass {
  name: "Class with variable"
  code: |
	  class VarCls {
		var x : Int = 3


describe "YAML specs: " do
	yaml_specs = YAML.load_file('spec/spec.yaml')

	yaml_specs.each do |spec|
		it spec['name'] do
			result = @grammar.parse(spec['code'], debug: spec['debug'])
			if not result.full_match? or result.has_errors?
				puts result.errors
				result.tree.to_image(spec['name'].gsub(' ','_'))
				raise RuntimeError, "failed"
				# maybe supply File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/spec.yaml:#{line_number_here}'

You basically define a lot of valid example input in a yaml file an test if each of example is matched.

NOTE: This might be integrated in a Test-Suite for Grammy.

Also there are some custom rspec matchers in spec/support:

g.should fully_match("input1","input2",...)
g.should partially_match(...)
g.should not_match(...)

Useful Things

  • Rule#to_bnf

    Is used to output a rule in BNF like syntax. This is also used in syntax error output.

      rule hash_entry => (hash_sym | expression >> '=>') & expression
      g.rules[:hash_entry].to_bnf #=> hash_entry -> (hash_sym | expression '=>') expression
  • Hash#with_default

    This assigns values to keys that are not assigned yet (this means the key is not present).

      {a: nil, b: 5}.with_default(a: true, b: nil, c: 6) #=> {a: nil, b: 5, c: 6}

    AFAIK this is the same as active_supports reverse_merge