
Versioned git hooks that force themselves upon your colleagues!

Primary LanguageShell

It's like a virus. A virus that forces people to run their tests.

  • Copy this into your_project_name/githooks.
  • Edit hooks/pre-commit after the YOUR CODE GOES BELOW THIS LINE part.
  • Run githooks/install.
  • Commit your code.

It's versioned!

Git keeps hooks in .git which is not versioned. The default pre-commit hook calls another little script first to check whether or not your .git/hooks are up-to-date with your githooks/hooks by checking md5 hashes.

It's extra-viral in Rails!

Out of the box, if the repo is a Rails project, it adds a Rails initializer that forces collaborators to run githooks/install. You may have to do something else to make the testing virus spread.