
Sass and Gulp exercise

Primary LanguageCSS

Undead Sass

Sass and Gulp exercise


in your own forked repo

  1. setup gulp to watches and compiles sass files to the public css directory
  2. use sass to style index.html so that it matches the layouts in the layouts directory

you may accomplish these goals without following the steps outlined below

Steps to achieve goals

setup forked repo

  1. fork and clone this repo

make sure you have all required dependencies

If you have not have npm and gulp, you need to install them.

  1. brew install npm
  2. npm install -g gulp

setup gulp + sass

  1. initialize your forked project with npm libs, npm init
  2. setup your .gitignore file to ignore node_modules
  3. add and commit your 2 new files to be tracked in git
  4. install and save required dependencies using npm install -D [node_module name]
  5. gulp
  6. gulp-sass
  7. setup sass source directory mkdir sass/
  8. setup sass source file touch sass/styles.scss
  9. setup sass compiled output directory mkdir public/css
  10. setup Gulpfile touch gulpfile.js
  11. setup Gulpfile task, with watch_sass and default tasks
  12. subl gulpfile.js
  13. contents of gulpfile.js
  14. test gulp task
  15. 'hello world' of sass, subl sass/styles.scss ```` $dark-color : #333333;
body {
  background: $dark-color;
  1. run gulp in your terminal
  2. check output, ls public/css (should say styles.css)
  3. inspect output, cat public/css/styles.css ( should be proper css )
  4. once gulp and sass are wired up correctly, commit your new files
  5. make sure to keep your "gulp" terminal running and visible, if your sass source is invalid, it will crash the watching gulp process, and you will want to see the error message that will output in that terminal. Then you can restart your gulp watcher after fixing your errors.

style index.html

  1. (on a seperate terminal, since gulp is being held open), navigate to your public/ subdirectory, then run an http-server
  2. open a browser to make sure you can see public/index.html rendered
  3. setup your public/index.html to link to your public/css/styles.css stylesheet.
  4. If it works, your background shold be gray. commit your work.
  5. Create a partials directory inside the sass directory and add a reset.scss file that contains a clearfix style and a css reset. Import the reset file into your styles.scss file at the top of the document.
  6. Import the Droid Serif Google font into your styles.scss file at the top of the document, after importing the reset file. The format of the import should look like this:
@import "http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Droid+Serif:400,700.css";
  1. Editing only your sass/styles.scss file, style your html page so that it matches the layout in the layouts directory.