
Voice activity detector extracted from WebRTC project https://webrtc.org

Primary LanguageC++BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

WebRTC Voice Activity Detector

This repo contains build instructions and example of usage for voice activity detection. For now only C++ is supported, though in future python bindings should be added.

This repo is inspired by https://github.com/wiseman/py-webrtcvad Which, unfortunately, uses outdated version of WebRTC code base.

Get started

In order to build you will need g++, cmake. Only linux supported for now.

git clone --recursive https://github.com/StcInc/webrtc_vad
cd webrtc_vad

The output should be in build folder - test app build/vad_test

cd build/
cd ..
cat out.txt

Test app processes test_wav.wav and outputs vad predictions to out.txt Each line signifies prediction for 5 ms interval. These are raw predictions without any smoothing.


# https://abseil.io
git clone https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp.git

# webrtc https://webrtc.org
git clone https://webrtc.googlesource.com/src