DirectLine Bot Sample

Bot Framework v4 directline bot sample

This bot has been created using Bot Framework; to show how to create a directline client controller and utilize it in a customizable webchat.


  • .NET Core SDK version 2.1

    # determine dotnet version
    dotnet --version
  • Directline Secret from a deployed web app bot or bot channels registration

To try this sample

  • Clone the repository

    git clone
  • In a terminal, navigate to /JJDirectLineClient

  • Run the client controller from Visual Studio

    • Launch Visual Studio
    • File -> Open -> Project/Solution
    • Navigate to /JJDirectLineClient folder
    • In the 'appsettings.json' file, replace "< YOUR-BOT-SECRET>" with the directline secret from Azure and save.
    • Select JJDirectLineClient.csproj file
    • Press F5 to run the project

Secret-Token exchange

While there are many mechanisms to invoke Web Chat on a client HTML page, one thing that is very important to do is to ensure you keep your DirectLine Secret a secret! The DirectLine Secret is as important as a database connection string and these sorts of things should never show up in HTML or even in the JavaScript that is running behind an HTML page.

Deploy the client controller to Azure

Just as both the bot and the client controller are in the same solution here, you can deploy both a bot and a the controller to the same resource group in Azure. A deployed client controller is simply an .NET Core MVC application, and will be deployed as a standard webapp.

Further reading