
A demonatration of a custom class which that could be used across mutiple projects.

Also shows some examples of not using delay within loop().

WifiManager GitHub

Arduino UNO R4 WiFi Real-Time Clock


This is the header file for the WiFiManager class. It includes necessary libraries and declares the WiFiManager class along with its methods and member variables.


  • WiFi.h: The main WiFi library for Arduino.
  • WiFiUdp.h: A library that provides UDP protocol functionality over WiFi.
  • NTPClient.h: A library for connecting to an NTP server and getting the current time.

WiFiManager Class

The WiFiManager class is designed to manage a WiFi connection and synchronize time using a Network Time Protocol (NTP) client.

Member Variables

  • ssid: A string that stores the SSID (network name) of the WiFi network.
  • password: A string that stores the password of the WiFi network.
  • wifiUDP: An instance of the WiFiUDP class, used for UDP functionality over WiFi.
  • timeClient: An instance of the NTPClient class, used for getting the current time from an NTP server.


  • WiFiManager(String ssid, String password): The constructor of the WiFiManager class. It takes two parameters: ssid and password, which represent the SSID and password of the WiFi network. The constructor initializes the ssid and password member variables with the provided values. It also initializes wifiUDP and timeClient without parameters.
  • void connect(): This method is responsible for establishing a WiFi connection and initializing the NTP client. It starts by calling WiFi.begin(ssid, password), which initiates a connection to the WiFi network with the provided ssid and password. It then enters a while loop that continues until the WiFi connection is established. After establishing the WiFi connection, the method initializes the NTP client. It starts the NTP client with timeClient.begin(), sets the update interval to 60000 milliseconds (or 1 minute) with timeClient.setUpdateInterval(60000), and retrieves the current time in a human-readable format with timeClient.getFormattedTime().
  • void syncTime(): This method is not shown in the provided code, but based on its name, it likely synchronizes the system time with the time from the NTP server.


This is the implementation file for the WiFiManager class. It includes the WifiManager.h header file and defines the methods declared in the WiFiManager class.

Libraries WifiManager.cpp

  • WifiManager.h: The header file for the WiFiManager class.

WiFiManager Class Implementation

The WiFiManager class is designed to manage a WiFi connection and synchronize time using a Network Time Protocol (NTP) client. This file provides the implementation for the methods declared in the WiFiManager class.

Methods WifiManager.cpp

  • WiFiManager(String ssid, String password): The constructor of the WiFiManager class. It takes two parameters: ssid and password, which represent the SSID and password of the WiFi network. The constructor initializes the ssid and password member variables with the provided values. It also initializes wifiUDP and timeClient without parameters.
  • void connect(): This method is responsible for establishing a WiFi connection and initializing the NTP client. It starts by calling WiFi.begin(ssid, password), which initiates a connection to the WiFi network with the provided ssid and password. It then enters a while loop that continues until the WiFi connection is established. After establishing the WiFi connection, the method initializes the NTP client. It starts the NTP client with timeClient.begin(), sets the update interval to 60000 milliseconds (or 1 minute) with timeClient.setUpdateInterval(60000), and retrieves the current time in a human-readable format with timeClient.getFormattedTime().
  • void syncTime(): This method is not shown in the provided code, but based on its name, it likely synchronizes the system time with the time from the NTP server.

UNO R4 WiFi Real-Time Clock

RTC.h is a specific header for use with the real-time clock (RTC) on an Arduino UNO R4 WiFi board. The RTC is embedded in the UNO R4 WiFi's microcontroller (RA4M1).

The RTC.h provides a RTCTime Object for time which, a bit surpzingly, is different thant the Object provided from <TimeLib.h>. The main.cpp file provides a function time_t RTCTimeToTimeElements(RTCTime inTime) for converting RTCTime to a time_t Object.

When connected to our iMac via usb the time of the RTC drifts by at least a second every minute, which seem excessive.

We have left extensive console loging on for demonstation purposes but highly reccomend disabling all printing for production use.


This is the main file of the Arduino project. It includes several libraries and declares global variables and objects that are used throughout the project.

Libraries main.cpp

  • Arduino.h: The main Arduino library.
  • WiFiManager.h: A custom library for managing WiFi connections.
  • arduino_secrets.h: A file where sensitive data like WiFi credentials are stored.
  • RTC.h: A library for interfacing with the Real-Time Clock (RTC).
  • TimeLib.h: A library for manipulating date and time.
  • Timezone.h: A library for handling time zones.
  • my_config.h: A custom configuration file.
  • LibPrintf.h: A library for formatted printing.

Global Variables and Objects

  • wifiManager: An instance of the WiFiManager class, used to manage WiFi connections.
  • lastOneMinutesExecutionTime, lastTenMinutesExecutionTime, lastHourlyExecutionTime: Variables to store the last execution times of certain tasks.
  • uptimeMinutes: A variable to store the uptime in minutes.
  • hourInterval: A constant representing one hour in milliseconds.
  • myDST, mySTD: Objects representing the daylight saving time and standard time rules for a specific location.
  • myTZ: An object representing the timezone for a specific location.
  • tcr: A pointer to the current time change rule.
  • ssid, pass: Variables to store the WiFi SSID and password.

Console output

13:49:04:440 -> 439 minutes has passed(oneMinutesFunctions) RTC is running
13:49:04:440 -> (oneMinutesFunctions) Current UNIX-RTC Time:(UTC) 1706208540
13:49:04:450 -> (oneMinutesFunctions) Current UNIX-NTP Time:(UTC) 1706208536
13:49:04:450 -> (oneMinutesFunctions) RTC is ahead of NTP by: 4 seconds
13:49:04:461 -> (oneMinutesFunctions) Current RTC Time: 2024-01-25T18:49:00
13:49:04:461 -> (oneMinutesFunctions) Current NTP Time: 2024-01-25T18:48:56
13:49:04:463 -> EXIT oneMinutesFunctions()
13:50:04:456 -> 10 minutes has passed
13:50:04:456 -> The Time is: 2024-01-25T18:50:02
13:50:04:456 -> The RTC was just set to: 2024-01-25T18:50:02
13:50:04:456 -> 
13:50:04:456 -> 440 minutes has passed(oneMinutesFunctions) RTC is running
13:50:04:466 -> (oneMinutesFunctions) Current UNIX-RTC Time:(UTC) 1706208602
13:50:04:466 -> (oneMinutesFunctions) Current UNIX-NTP Time:(UTC) 1706208596
13:50:04:477 -> (oneMinutesFunctions) RTC is ahead of NTP by: 6 seconds
13:50:04:477 -> (oneMinutesFunctions) RTC and NTP are in sync - Sync RTC to NTP
13:50:04:487 -> (setRTC) RTC is running
13:50:04:487 -> (setRTC) Current NTP Time: (setRTC) Current RTC Time: 2024-01-25T18:50:02
13:50:04:498 -> (setRTC) The RTC was just set to: 1706208602
13:50:04:498 ->