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Interviews with luminaries in the taste perception field

Luminary Interviews

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  • Peng, Y., Gillis-Smith, S., Jin, H., Tränkner, D., Ryba, N.J. and Zuker, C.S. Sweet and bitter taste in the brain of awake behaving animals. Nature 527, 512–515 (2015).

    • Modulating the perception of taste by actually stimulating that part of the brain, most of what Hello Tomorrow
  • Barretto, R.P., Gillis-Smith, S., Chandrashekar, J., Yarmolinsky, D.A., Schnitzer, M.J., Ryba, N.J. and Zuker, C.S. The neural representation of taste quality at the periphery. Nature 517, 373–376 (2015).

    • This paper is quite beautiful. They show how the signal from the tounge relays to ganglia neurons on the lower brain. Each taste receptor gives rise to usually 1 ganglia neuron that lights up. There are some neurons that are responsible for mixed signals (sour-bitter) however, they are still from the result of a single type of taste cell. That means that a sour-bitter taste is not a multiply expressed tbc, but rather a singly expressed tbc that allows a signal from another form of tastant
  • Chen, X., Gabitto, M., Peng, Y., Ryba, N.J. and Zuker, C.S. A gustotopic map of taste qualities in the mammalian brain. Science 333, 1262–1266 (2011).

  • Chandrashekar, J., Kuhn, C., Oka, Y., Yarmolinsky, D.A., Hummler, E., Ryba, N.J. and Zuker, C.S. The cells and peripheral representation of sodium taste in mice. Nature 464, 297–301 (2010).

  • Huang, A.L., Chen, X., Hoon, M.A., Chandrashekar, J., Guo, W., Tränkner, D., Ryba, N.J. and Zuker C.S. The cells and logic for mammalian sour taste detection. Nature 442, 934–938 (2006).

  • Mueller, K.L., Hoon, M.A., Erlenbach, I., Chandrashekar, J., Zuker, C.S. and Ryba, N.J. The receptors and coding logic for bitter taste. Nature 434, 225–229 (2005).

  • Zhao, G.Q., Zhang, Y., Hoon, M.A., Chandrashekar, J., Erlenbach, I., Ryba, NJ. and Zuker, C.S. The receptors for mammalian sweet and umami taste. Cell 115, 255–266 (2003).

  • Nelson, G., Chandrashekar, J., Hoon, M.A., Feng, L., Zhao, G., Ryba, N.J. and Zuker, C.S. An amino-acid taste receptor. Nature 416, 199–202 (2002).

  • Nelson, G., Hoon, M.A., Chandrashekar, J., Zhang, Y., Ryba, N.J. and Zuker, C.S. Mammalian sweet taste receptors. Cell 106, 381–390 (2001).

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