
Simple PyPI server written in django. Allows you to register/upload with distutils and install with easy_install/pip.

Primary LanguagePython


Version: 0.1


Install dependencies:

$ python bootstrap.py
$ ./bin/buildout

Initial configuration

$ cp chishop/settings.py.sample chishop/settings.py
$ $EDITOR chishop/settings.py
$ ./bin/django syncdb && ./bin/django migrate

Run the PyPI server

$ ./bin/django runserver

Please note that chishop/media/dists has to be writable by the user the web-server is running as.

In production

You may want to copy the file chishop/production_example.py and modify for use as your production settings; you will also need to modify bin/django.wsgi to refer to your production settings.

Using Setuptools

Add the following to your ~/.pypirc file:

index-servers =




Uploading a package: Python >=2.6

To push the package to the local pypi:

$ python setup.py register -r local sdist upload -r local

Uploading a package: Python <2.6

If you don't have Python 2.6 please run the command below to install the backport of the extension:

$ easy_install -U collective.dist

instead of using register and dist command, you can use "mregister" and "mupload", that are a backport of python 2.6 register and upload commands, that supports multiple servers.

To push the package to the local pypi:

$ python setup.py mregister -r local sdist mupload -r local