
Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


ObjGen.js is a code and data generation package that allows users to express and generate complex content using a simple model based templating syntax.

The ObjGen.js Node package is the code that enables the Live JSON Generator available at objgen.com - To see the generator in action, check out the live demo.

JSON Generator

  • JSON properties are defined by entering names
  • Data types are specified using a simple convention:
    • s (or string) = string, textual data
    • n (or number) = numbeical data
    • d (or date) = date/time
    • b (or bool) = booleans
    • [] = to define an array
  • Data types can be abbreviated since the first character is significant: str, num, bool, etc.
  • Complex types and data are created by nesting (or tabbing) new properties in a new level. For example:
id n
name s
  work s
  cell s

will generate:

  "id": 0,
  "name": "",
  "phones": {
    "work": "",
    "cell": ""

Assignments are defined by using the equal sign '='. For example:

id n = 0
name = Dave Kingman

will generate:

  "id": 0,
  "name": "Dave Kingman"

Any assignment for a property that does not include a data type, defaults to a string.

Dates values default to the current date, but can be assigned using a variety of parseable date values. For example:

id n = 0
name = Dave Kingman
dateOfBirth d = 2112/12/21

will generate:

  "id": 0,
  "name": "Dave Kingman",
  "dateOfBirth": "2112-12-21T05:00:00.000Z"

Arrays are defined by using brackets '[]', with indices optional. For example:

id n = 12123434
name = Joe Rightsman
  street=100 East Main Street
  street=100 West Birch Lane

will generate:

  "id": 12123434,
  "name": "Joe Rightsman",
  "address": [
      "street": "100 East Main Street",
      "city": "Southernville",
      "state": "NY",
      "zip": "19910"
      "street": "100 West Birch Lane",
      "city": "Northnville",
      "state": "NY",
      "zip": "19911"

A JSON array object can be generated using the following syntax:

  id n = 1
  name = value 1
  id n = 2
  name = value 2
  id n = 3
  name = value 3

will generate:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "value 1"
    "id": 2,
    "name": "value 2"
    "id": 3,
    "name": "value 3"


  1. Get node
  2. npm install objgen --save or globally with npm install -g objgen for command line usage
  3. Verify -g installation
$ objgen --version


JavaScript - Calling the JSON Generator

var ObjGen = require('./objgen.js').ObjGen;

var model = "id n = 100\n" +
  "title = Welcome to New York\n" +
  "releaseDate d = 2017-02-10";

var json = ObjGen.xJson(model, {numSpaces: 2});



  "id": 100,
  "title": "Welcome to New York",
  "releaseDate": "2017-02-10T00:00:00.000Z"

Command line - Run the JSON generation demo

$ objgen -d

Input model:

// Model & generate Live JSON data values
// interactively using a simple syntax.
// String is the default value type
product = ObjGen Live JSON generator

// Number, Date & Boolean are also supported
// Specify types after property names
version n = 4.0
releaseDate d = 2017-02-10
demo b = true

// Tabs or spaces define complex values
  id number = 12345
  name = John Doe
    home = 800-123-4567
    mobile = 877-123-1234

  // Use [] to define simple type arrays
  email[] s = jd@example.com, jd@example.org
  dateOfBirth d = 1990-01-02
  registered b = true

  // Use [n] to define object arrays
    name s = Jane Doe
    phone s = 888-555-1212
    relationship = spouse
    name s = Justin Doe
    phone s = 877-123-1212
    relationship = parent

// See http://objgen.com for additional info
// We hope you enjoy the tool!

Generated JSON:

  "product": "ObjGen Live JSON generator",
  "version": 4,
  "releaseDate": "2017-02-10T00:00:00.000Z",
  "demo": true,
  "person": {
    "id": 12345,
    "name": "John Doe",
    "phones": {
      "home": "800-123-4567",
      "mobile": "877-123-1234"
    "email": [
    "dateOfBirth": "1990-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
    "registered": true,
    "emergencyContacts": [
        "name": "Jane Doe",
        "phone": "888-555-1212",
        "relationship": "spouse"
        "name": "Justin Doe",
        "phone": "877-123-1212",
        "relationship": "parent"

Command line - Generate JSON from your own model files:

$ objgen -f my-model.txt