
Sample app to demonstrate how to use the Cronofy C# API wrapper

Primary LanguageC#

Cronofy C# Sample Application


A Git Tool

We would recommend downloading and using the Git Bash tool, which you can find here.

A cloned version of this repository

For help in cloning this repository please see this article.


We would recommend using Xamarin Studio to build and run this project on mac and Visual Studio for Windows.


Create a Cronofy application

To use the Cronofy C# Sample App you need to create a Cronofy application. To do this, create a free developer account, click "Create New App" in the left-hand navigation and create an application.

Once you've created your application you will need to set the cronofy_client_id and cronofy_client_secret in the application's Web.config file.

An example of how to do this:

    <add key="cronofy_client_id" value="{{cronofy_client_id}}" />
    <add key="cronofy_client_secret" value="{{cronofy_client_secret}}" />

Setting up a Remote URL

In order to test Push Notification callbacks and Enterprise Connect user authentications your application will need to be reachable by the internet.

To do this we would recommend using ngrok to create a URL that is accessible by the Cronofy API.

Once you have ngrok installed you can initialise it for your application by using the following line in your terminal:

ngrok http -host-header=localhost localhost:8080 (Replace localhost:8080 with localhost:[port number] where appropriate)

Your terminal will then display a URL in the format http://[unique identifier].ngrok.io. You will need to set the domain variable in the application's Web.config in order to test these remote features for example.

    <add key="domain" value="http://examplecallback.ngrok.io" />