
Repository for Ski Atlas Code

Primary LanguageQML

This is a QGIS project to create a map of all 500+ ski resorts in North America.

Before running this model go to OpenStreetmap, I prefer OpenSkiMap(https://openskimap.org/) to visualize what the map will look like. *The current model uses polygons for the slopes as well as forest polygons so please make sure they are in OSM before proceeding. image

This is the current model you will need to run in QGIS: https://github.com/jwitcoski/skiatlas/blob/main/SkiOutputOSM.model3 You will need the following plugins: QuickOSM (https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/QuickOSM/) OpenTopography DEM Downloader https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/OpenTopography-DEM-Downloader/

The model will ask for the footage around the ski area you would like to see in the map (default 100 feet) and the extent of the map to download. image

Here is what the output of the model will look like when completed. image