= Marketo == Setup Create a config/marketo.yml file: access_key: "bigcorp1_461839624B16E06BA2D663" secret_key: "899756834129871744AAEE88DDCC77CDEEDEC1AAAD66" Be sure to substitute your Marketo access_key and secret_key for the values above. == Usage Create anew Marketo Client passing your access_key and secret_key from your marketo.yml file. client = Marketo::Client.new_marketo_client(access_key, secret_key) To get a user by id use the client created above. Call get_lead_by_id passing an IDNUM. This will return a lead record. client.get_lead_by_id(IDNUM) To get a user by email address use the client created above. Call get_lead_by_email passing an EMAIL_ADDR. This will return a lead record. client.get_lead_by_email(EMAIL_ADDR) To sync a lead with Marketo. Use the client created above. Call sync_lead passing: email_address, the Marketo Cookie, and a hash of attributes. The Marketo cookie: request.cookies["_mkto_trk"] client.sync_lead(USER[:email], COOKIE, {"FirstName"=>USER[:first_name], "LastName"=>USER[:last_name], "Company"=>"Backupify"}) To add a lead to a Marketo List. Use the client created above. Call add_lead_to_list passing: the lead records IDNUM and the list name. client.add_lead_to_list(IDNUM, "Inbound Signups") == Note on Patches/Pull Requests I would be extremely happy to accept contributions to this project! If you think something should work differently, send me a message and I'd love to discuss your ideas. Even better: * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add specs for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull) * Send me a pull request. == Current Contributors * {John Kelly}[http://github.com/jwkellyiii]