
Not Functioning?

duncanam opened this issue · 4 comments

I hoped to not create an issue here, but I'm completely lost or it's not working for my install. I installed the extension and jupyter labextension list returns:
JupyterLab v0.35.4 Known labextensions: app dir: /home/duncan/.local/share/jupyter/lab jupyterlab_vim v0.10.1 enabled OK

However when I am inside an iPython notebook in Jupyter Lab, I have no vim control when inside a cell. I still see a " | " cursor which is always in insert mode like normal. I tried reading the Readme a few times but I'm afraid I'm either dumb and don't know how to enter vim mode or something isn't right on my end.

@duncanam Sorry about that, definitely not your fault. It's not easy to tell why stuff isn't working with stuff like this. I'm not sure what the problem is, I assume you refreshed the jupyterlab tab after you installed the plugin?

One thing you can try is looking at the javascript console. In Chrome you can open it from the menu bar: View->Developer->JavaScript Console. Open the console in the tab you have jupyterlab and refresh the page, look for errors in red like so:


I have something wrong with the sidecar plugin but jupyterlab tells me it's fine:

@jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-sidecar v0.3.0  enabled  OK

In this case I think the sidecar plugin is incompatible with the version of jupyterlab I have.

I think I got it working a little while back, but I currently can't check as jupyter itself is completely broken on my machine. Not sure what's up but I'll figure out that first and then close this.

Alright- I am able to use vim navigation within cells as well as between cells. All is well. For future users having this issue, I am not really sure what changed. Perhaps it was just a restart.

Glad it's working for you. If it happens again please file another issue, thank you!