- 1
- 1
- 0
Respect non-blinking cursor settings
#151 opened by gloryVine - 1
Replace mode backspace key improper behavior
#150 opened by quintenbons - 5
- 1
Cannot install jupyterlab-vim
#145 opened by tim0120 - 2
- 0
- 7
- 2
- 0
You shouldn't check in yarn.lock
#136 opened by leeand00 - 0
Pack and install extension
#135 opened by CrashLaker - 1
Support the surround vim extension
#133 opened by dclong - 3
conflict with corrent version
#131 opened by Shahin-rmz - 0
Move through headings
#130 opened by filyp - 0
Can't uninstall without installing nodejs
#129 opened by Pastells - 1
No text buffers except the clipboard avaliable
#127 opened by banderlog - 2
how to leave insert mode use 'jj' rather than '<Esc>' on jupyterlab-vim editor?
#126 opened by ZihaoXingUP - 5
Option to start clicked cells in insert mode
#84 opened by tlkaufmann - 1
- 1
Jupyterlab 3
#125 opened by quantum-booty - 2
- 2
Pressing Escape Takes Focus Out of Browser
#120 opened by philFernandez - 0
- 14
Plugin incompatible with Jupyter Lab 2.0
#113 opened by zaneselvans - 1
- 1
/ highlight blocking the cursor
#122 opened by quantum-booty - 0
it worked normally until i reinstalled yesterday
#121 opened by shanhai3000 - 3
- 25
- 2
- 4
j/k held down keep moving cursor
#107 opened by hugwi - 7
Allow for disabling extension
#106 opened by mlucool - 2
vim mode only supports ipynb files?
#111 opened by popeliao - 1
Install fails
#110 opened by kttn8769 - 4
Support emacs keybindings for insert mode
#109 opened by amosbird - 5
- 0
- 1
<esc> to exit command-line mode
#99 opened by tqfjo - 2
May be a full vim running in browser?
#101 opened by huangzonghao - 0
uparrow skips cell after executing cell
#103 opened by mgrabmair - 1
Adding a key binding for scrolling pages
#93 opened by jiangtianli91 - 1
- 11
Add comment/uncomment bindings
#81 opened by jrwrigh - 1
Add `gq` to format text
#90 opened by wmayner - 2
Suggestion: display edit mode
#91 opened by matejaputic - 4
Ctrl-[ and Ctrl-C to exit insert mode
#85 opened by axelfahy - 4
Not Functioning?
#80 opened by duncanam - 6
React development mode is on
#79 opened by sztal - 1
Customize key bindings
#82 opened by hsakas