
A NodeJS based CLI utility to parse a CSV file and test URLs whether they're valid links that return a valid server response

Primary LanguageJavaScript

TestURLs - NodeJS based CLI utility

A NodeJS based CLI utility to parse a CSV file and test URLs whether they're valid links that return a valid server response


NodeJS v12.10.x (May work in older versions as well)


Within the TestURLs directory:

$ npm install

CLI Arguments

# Description Expected Type Default Required
1 The Path to the CSV that contains the URLs you want to test string '' true
2 The column name within the CSV that contains your URLs string url false
3 A JavaScript based Regular Expression to be used on each URL string '' false
4 Text that will be used to replace if found by the RegEx string '' false
5 The Maximum amount of simultaneous URL requests/tests made at a time number 5 false
6 The Amount of Milliseconds to wait in between Requests if the maximum has been reached number 1000 false


In order to run the script, you must first use the node CLI followed by the path to this CLI utility script followed by your arguments.

Use the arguments table above to learn what each argument does.


$ node ./testURLs/ ./MyURLs.csv WebsiteURL www dev 5 2000

RegEx Example:

$ node ./testURLs/ ./MyURLs.csv WebsiteURL 'www\..+\.\w+/?' sub.domain.com/ 5 2000

This example will replace all website domains to instead request a particular domain / sub-domain.

https://www.google.ca -> https://sub.domain.com/
https://www.github.com/jwmann/ -> https://sub.domain.com/jwmann/


If the script ran successfully and there are any URLs that were problematic, a CSV file will be outputted to the directory that you run the CLI utility from.

$ pwd

$ node ./testURLs/ ./MyURLs.csv

If there are no problematic URLs, then the script will exit successfully and no file will be generated.