Example Docker Dev Environment for Symfony/PHP


This is a helper script to reduce keystrokes when typing verbose docker commands.
View the file for all options.

For any unknown shortcuts, ./dcmd simply passes arguments through as if you were to write out docker compose <command>. For example, try: ./dcmd help

To get started, run:

./dcmd start

This will pull and/or build images. The first time may take a few minutes, especially for building an image from a Dockerfile. Once all containers are running, several services will be running including nginx serving a Symfony demo app. However, it won't work just yet because depdendencies have not yet been installed.

./dcmd composer install

At this point the app should be running at http://localhost/hello

Don't confuse docker-compose with PHP's package manager called "composer". Running this command will execute the composer binary in the php container. You only need to run composer install/update when adding new dependencies.

To stop all running containers, run ./dcmd stop. To stop and remove the containers, run ./dcmd down.

Note: There are several services created that are not in use by the demo application, including MariaDb, Redis, and Mailslurper. You can reach UI endpoints for these services (adminer, redis-commander) by visiting localhost:<port> - reference docker-compose.yml for ports.