
Repo for Discussion and writing of new PowerShell Twitter module

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

Repo for Discussion and writing of new PowerShell Twitter module

This repo was created to discuss and write a new PowerShell Twitter module.

Work in Progress

Please consider this a work in progress. At this point, anything and everything could changed.

Also, expect errors, though I have tried to keep those at minimum.


  • Apply for a developer account here
    • API Key
    • API Secret
    • Access Token
    • Access Token Secret
  • PowerShell 7


$SecretStuff = @{
    ApiKey = '##########################'
    ApiSecret = '####################################################'
    AccessToken = '####################################################'
    AccessTokenSecret = '#############################################'

Set-TwitterOAuthToken @SecretStuff

(Search-Tweet -SearchString "(from:rtpsug)" -MaxResults 100).statuses

Current Capabilities

Public functions

Here is list of current public functions.

  • Get-SendMediaStatus
  • Get-Tweet
  • Get-TweetLikes
  • Get-TwitterAccountSettings
  • Get-TwitterApiEndpoint
  • Get-TwitterBlocks
  • Get-TwitterConfiguration
  • Get-TwitterFollowers
  • Get-TwitterFriend
  • Get-TwitterFriendship
  • Get-TwitterLanguages
  • Get-TwitterList
  • Get-TwitterListByOwner
  • Get-TwitterMutedUser
  • Get-TwitterRateLimitStatus
  • Get-TwitterRateLimitWarning
  • Get-TwitterSavedSearches
  • Get-TwitterTimeline
  • Get-TwitterUser
  • Get-TwitterUserList
  • Get-TwitterUserProfileBanner
  • Search-Tweet
  • Send-TwitterMedia
  • Set-Retweet
  • Set-TweetLike
  • Set-TwitterRateLimitWarning
  • Unpublish-TwitterDM

Command Verbs

Verb Usage Example
Get Get a resource Get-TwitterTimeLine -Home
Publish Tweet or Direct Message Publish-Tweet -TweetText 'Check out this pic of #Snoopy' -MediaId $UploadedPic.media_id
Unpublish Delete Tweet or Direct Message Unpublish-TwitterDM -DirectMessageId 1239876543210147852
Set Like, Unlink, Retweet, Unretweet Set-Tweet -Id 12345567896321478 -Like
Search Text search for a user or tweet Search-Tweet -SearchString '#PSTweetChat'
Send Send media Send-TwitterMedia -Path $PathToImage -Category TweetImage -AltImageText 'A bowl of froot loops'

Private Functions

API Calls

The module has three functions that will make API calls dependent on if it's a single request, a cursored request, or a paged request.

  • Invoke-TwitterCursorRequest
  • Invoke-TwitterPageRequest
  • Invoke-TwitterRequest


The Write-TwitterResponseData function handles all of the non-error output, which includes sending key response data to the Information stream.

For the most part, the output is the response from Invoke-Method. The output of some commands contains only the property that's required which should always be an array of other others.

The function that handles errors, New-TwitterErrorRecord, also sends response data to the Information stream.


OAuthParameters Class

The cornerstone of the module is the [OAuthParameters] class which handles moving the URL and query to Invoke-TwitterRequest. It's primary function (method, actually) is to generate the OAuth signature string.

Developer Account Tokens

Currently, any user of the module would need to apply for a Twitter Developer account and create an application in the portal.

Until we add a Set-OAuthTokens or similar function, you will need to have a global variable called $OAuth. It should contain a hashtable as you see below.

$OAuth = @{
    ApiKey = '##########################'
    ApiSecret = '####################################################'
    AccessToken = '####################################################'
    AccessTokenSecret = '#############################################'

Things to Do

There is still a considerable amount of work to be done before this can get to the PSGallery.

  • Proper module scaffolding
  • Pester tests
  • Help
    • Possibly external-based XML using PlatyPS with docs on ReadTheDocs
  • TweetText processor (currently there no check for length)
  • Exploration of PIN-OAuth
    • This will entail a security discussion on key storage
  • Additional commands
    • Such as Set-TwitterAuthentication, Get-TwitterList, Publish-TweetThread