This repository contains the data and the code for the analysis of the first eye-tracking experiment (referred to as "experiment 2" in the paper) described in the paper "Semantic accessibility and interference in pronoun resolution". See this osf repository for details: If you just want to examine the results feel free to download doc/models_summary.html. This file contains all the results. If you want to reproduce the analysis, read on. There is a default.nix file in the src dir which will make all the relevant packages available in your shell. You have to have nix installed ( Note that the file src/default.nix will also temporarily move your ~/.R/Makevars file and restore it once you exit the shell. This is because, there were some issues with the recommended Makevars settings and the brms version used for this project. If you never adjusted Makevars you don't have to worry about this. To recreate the project run in the project root: nix-shell src/default.nix --pure (this can take a while on its first run) To recreate the project run in the nix-shell, in the project root: Rscript src/01-prepare.R Rscript src/02-regions.R Rscript src/03-models.R Rscript src/04-models_summary.R Rscript -e "rmarkdown::render(here::here('doc/models_summary.Rmd'), output_format = 'html_document')" NB: this can take a long time, and your computer might run out of memory, particularly while running 03-models.R. If this happens, just re-run the file until it succeeds. In the end you will get a file named models_summary.html in the doc directory (note that this file is currently present) which contains all the results of the analysis. To recreate the pdf with the descriptive measures, after the first two steps above run: Rscript src/descriptive.R pdflatex -output-directory doc results/descriptive.tex Description of the files in the project: . ├── data │ └── allACTFiles_vp.csv: data needed for the analysis ├── doc │ ├── models_summary.html: summary of the models │ ├── descriptive.pdf: summary of the raw measures │ └── models_summary.Rmd: source file for the html summary ├── figs: directory for plots used in the summary and generated by plots.R ├── models: directory for fitted models ├── README.txt: this readme ├── results: directory for the intermediary results └── src ├── 01-prepare.R: preparing data ├── 02-regions.R: preparing regions ├── 03-models.R: bayesian models ├── 04-models_summary.R: summaries of the models ├── default.nix: nix file with a recipe for the shell (see above) ├── descriptive.R: creates latex tables with descriptive summaries used in the paper ├── plots.R: plots used in the paper, files starting with 01,02,03 have to be run before └── priors.R: priors for the bayesian models