
Yet another Pelican theme

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

This is the Pelican theme for my blog "Knowledge Bits", split off into a separate repository so that it can be reused by others. The theme is a mixture of similar styles from various sources, mostly the styles GitHub uses to render markup.

A demo of the theme in action, designed to show off as many features & styles as possible, can be found at <https://jwodder.github.io/kbits-theme-demo/>.


  • Article metadata (posted date, last modified date, authors, category, tags, translations, and any custom fields you specify) is displayed in a nice table underneath the article title
  • Links to articles' source on GitHub can optionally be added to metadata listings
  • You can add arbitrary lists of links to the navigation pane, not just "Links" and "Social"
  • There is CSS support for the Docutils/reStructuredText table classes "booktabs" and "borderless" as well as for left-aligned, centered, and right-aligned tables
  • Colorful reStructuredText admonitions, topics, and sidebars
  • Strings are HTML-escaped where necessary, so you can safely put angle brackets in your article titles, categories, and tags
  • MENUITEMS accepts relative URLs and automatically prepends SITEURL to them
  • Support for specifying a favicon
  • Support for the autopages plugin
  • If you've disabled author pages by setting both AUTHOR_SAVE_AS and AUTHOR_URL to None or the empty string, then author names will not be hyperlinked.
  • MathJax can be automatically enabled on every page

Theme Settings

kbits-theme recognizes the following theme settings:

The name to display above the main menu on the navigation pane. Defaults to no name.
A list of (Title, URL) pairs for additional menu items to appear at the beginning of the main menu in the navigation pane. If a given URL is relative (does not begin with either http:// or https://), then {{SITEURL}}/ is prepended to it. This allows you to link to locations on your site without having to give the full URL.
If true, pages will be given their own menu in the navigation pane, after the main menu but before the categories menu and any menus defined with EXTRA_MENUS.
The name to display above the pages menu (if there is one) on the navigation pane
If true, categories will be given their own menu in the navigation pane, after the main menu and pages menu but before any menus defined with EXTRA_MENUS.
The name to display above the categories menu (if there is one) on the navigation pane

A list of (Menu Name, Link List) pairs defining extra lists of links to add to the navigation pane beneath all other menus. Each "Link List" is a sublist of (Link Name, Link URL) pairs.

If a given link URL is relative (does not begin with either http:// or https://), then {{SITEURL}}/ is prepended to it. This allows you to link to locations on your site without having to give the full URL.

For example, the following setting:

    ('Social', [
        ('My Twitter', 'https://twitter.com/…'),
        ('My Mastodon', 'https://…'),
        ('My GitHub', 'https://github.com/…'),
    ('Favorite Tags', [
        ('Python', 'tags/python.html'),
        ('Pelican', 'tags/pelican.html'),

causes the following to be added to the navigation pane on the left of the page:

* My Twitter
* My Mastodon
* My GitHub

Favorite Tags
* Python
* Pelican
A subtitle to appear in the header
HTML to display at the bottom of every page, centered and in small font.
If your site's repository is hosted on GitHub, setting this variable to the repository's URL (in the form "https://github.com/$OWNER/$REPO", without trailing .git) will add a "Page Source" entry to each article's metadata table pointing to the article source file on GitHub. Setting this value also requires setting PATH_IN_REPO.
The branch of the GITHUB_SOURCE_URL repository on which the site's source is located.
The /-separated path to your content directory, relative to the root of your repository. This will usually be equal to PATH. This needs to be set whenever GITHUB_SOURCE_URL is set.
A URL pointing to an image to use as the site's favicon. If the URL is relative (does not begin with either http:// or https://), then {{SITEURL}}/ is prepended to it.
The MIME type of your site's favicon
Whether to show articles' authors in the metadata table
Whether to show articles' authors in article listings (index.html etc.)
Whether to enable MathJax on every page of the site
MATHJAX_SCRIPT = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mathjax@3/es5/tex-chtml.js"
The MathJax script to load
Configuration settings for MathJax. Configuration is applied assuming version 3 of MathJax is in use. Only JSON-serializable values are supported in MATHJAX_CONFIG.

A list of (Field Name, Article Attribute) pairs specifying additional metadata fields to list in articles' metadata tables. The "Field Name" is the text to label the field with in the table (minus the colon which will be automatically appended), and the "Article Attribute" is the name of the field as available as an attribute of an Article object (i.e., the name of the field as written in your document metadata, but converted to all-lowercase). If a given field is empty or not set on an article, it is not listed in that article's metadata table.

For example, if you include an ":ORCID:" field in the docinfo of your articles, you can include ("Author ORCID", "orcid") in EXTRA_METADATA_FIELDS to cause the field to be listed in the metadata table with a label of "Author ORCID:".

Third-Party Assets

This theme contains several assets taken or derived from third-party sources:

File Source License & Copyright
static/css/admonitions.css sphinx-rtd-theme Released under the MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Dave Snider, Read the Docs, Inc. & contributors
static/css/blockquote.css <http://primer.style/css> Released under MIT license. Copyright (c) 2019 GitHub Inc.
static/css/docinfo-topics.css Sphinx Released under the BSD license. Copyright 2007-2020 by the Sphinx team.
static/css/docutils.css Docutils, html4css1.css file Public domain
static/css/headers.css <http://primer.style/css> Released under MIT license. Copyright (c) 2019 GitHub Inc.
static/css/kbd.css <http://primer.style/css> Released under MIT license. Copyright (c) 2019 GitHub Inc.
static/css/sidebar.css sphinx-rtd-theme Released under the MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Dave Snider, Read the Docs, Inc. & contributors
static/css/table.css <http://primer.style/css> Released under MIT license. Copyright (c) 2019 GitHub Inc.
static/css/topic.css pallets-sphinx-themes Released under the BSD 3-Clause license. Copyright 2007 Pallets.
static/images/rss.svg Wikimedia Commons, [link] Released under the GNU GPL v2+, GNU LGPL v2.1+, and MPL 1.1
static/fonts/BabelStoneShapes.{ttf,woff,woff2} BabelStone Shapes v. 13.0.1 by BabelStone Released under the SIL Open Font License 1.1