
Quantum Computer Casts Yi Qing Oracle

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Quantum Computer Casts Yi Qing Oracle

Yi Qing oracle is cast by some using three coins. 3 qubits in superposition represent the three coins. The most prevalent result of multiple measurement runs becomes the "coin toss".

The oracle has an inline quantum program which is used by default.

Optionally, with the -f FILEPATH switch, you can provide your own OPENQASM 2.0 quantum program returning 3 classical bits. Two sample programs are provided for this purpose, yiqing_inline.qasm and yiqing_simple.qasm

You must have QISKit installed.

To use IBM Q Experience online devices and/or simulator(s), you must have an account from IBM Q Experience .

To use QI support you must also have installed the Quantum Inspire SDK and have a token provided with your account from the QuTech website.

To use QCGPU support you must also have installed qisit-qcgpu-provider

$ python qyq.py --help
usage: qyq.py [-h] [-q | -s | -a | -g] [--api_provider API_PROVIDER]
              [-b BACKEND] [-c MAX_CREDITS] [-d] [-f FILEPATH]
              [--from_csv FROM_CSV] [-m] [--qasm] [--shots SHOTS]
              [--token TOKEN] [--url URL] [-u] [-v]

QUANTUM YI QING - Cast a Yi Qing Oracle using IBM Q for the cast. Copyright
2019 Jack Woehr jwoehr@softwoehr.com PO Box 51, Golden, CO 80402-0051 BSD-3
license -- See LICENSE which you should have received with this code. THIS

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q, --ibmq            Use genuine IBMQ processor (default)
  -s, --sim             Use IBMQ qasm simulator
  -a, --aer             User QISKit aer simulator
  -g, --qcgpu           Use qcgpu simulator (requires GPU)
  --api_provider API_PROVIDER
                        Backend api provider, currently supported are [IBMQ |
                        QI]. Default is IBMQ.
  -b BACKEND, --backend BACKEND
                        genuine qpu backend to use, default is least busy of
                        large enough devices
  -c MAX_CREDITS, --max_credits MAX_CREDITS
                        max credits to expend on run, default is 3
  -d, --drawcircuit     Draw the circuit in extended charset
  -f FILEPATH, --filepath FILEPATH
                        OPENQASM 2.0 file to use for the oracle circuit, must
                        return 3 classical bits
  --from_csv FROM_CSV   Load a csv file previously output by Quantum Yi Qing
                        and display the pair of hexagrams it represents
  -m, --memory          Print individual results of multishot experiment
  --qasm                Show the qasm for the circuit
  --shots SHOTS         number of execution shots, default is 1024
  --token TOKEN         Use this token if a --url argument is also provided
  --url URL             Use this url if a --token argument is also provided
  -u, --usage           Show long usage message and exit 0
  -v, --verbose         Increase verbosity each -v up to 3