
R Client for OpenReview API and Script to Submit an OpenReview Support Request Form

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Openreviewer is an R wrapper package for the openreview python client.


if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
BiocManager::install("waldronlab/openreviewr", dependencies = TRUE, build_vignettes = FALSE)


As a guest user (no username and password required):


# Create Client
client <- getClient(username = NULL, password = NULL)

# Use the client to retrieve invitation ids from the Microbiome-VIF
invitations <- client$get_invitations(regex = "Microbiome-VIF.org/.*")
invitations_ids <- vapply(invitations, function(x) x$id, character(1))
#> [1] "Microbiome-VIF.org/2021/Forum/Round1/-/Recruit_Reviewers"                 
#> [2] "Microbiome-VIF.org/2021/Forum/Round1/Reviewers/-/Assignment_Configuration"
#> [3] "Microbiome-VIF.org/2021/Forum/Round1/-/Submission"

Created on 2021-08-09 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

Previous work

Some of the code is based on: https://github.com/kevinrue/openreview-r, and the basilisk documenation: https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/basilisk.html.

Using Python to Submit an OpenReview Support Request Form

The OpenReview Support Request Form is the form for requesting a new venue on OpenReview. You can submit this form programmatically with inst/scripts/post_request_form_note.py.


Create a config.ini file

Using inst/scripts/example.ini, create a config.ini and enter the configurations associated with your venue.

Run the script

To run the script, you must use the email associated with your account in OpenReview, your password, and the path to your config.ini.

python3 post_request_form_note.py your.email@gmail.com your_password path/to/config.ini

When submission is successful, it returns the form note. You will also be able to view it on OpenReview and receive an email that your request has been received.

Review the Configuration Produced From Running the Script

You can also use the --print flag to check the contents of the configuration that will be submitted to OpenReview.

Create the Additional Submission Options JSON File

Using inst/scripts/pacific_first_additional_submission_options.json or the atlantic_first_additional_submission_options.json file, create your additional submission options file. Note: You must change the registration URL in the JSON to reflect the correct registration link on Hopin.

Complete Your Venue Configuration

You can only add Additional Submission Options to your venue after OpenReview has created it. Find your venue on OpenReview and paste your JSON file into the Additional Submission Options field. You may want to use a JSON validator to check that you're submitting valid JSON; otherwise, your options will not display correctly.