
Asynchronous extensions to Accumulo

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Asynchronous extensions to Accumulo

The ax-accumulo project provides an asynchronous programming model in front of existing public Accumulo APIs. It relies heavily on Java 8 CompletionStage and CompletableFuture to communicate results to the original caller and allow for composition of dependent actions.
It aims to align with the Java 9 Flow contracts when asynchronous streams are involved to simplify bridging with reactive stream libraries.


There are a number of problems that can benefit from highly concurrent multi-step operations across multiple Accumulo rows. Throughput is essential, but minimizing end-to-end latency is an important secondary goal.

Accumulo is fundamentally capable of achieving very good performance for this type of problem. However, it can be cumbersome to implement a solution with the existing APIs and there are pitfalls to avoid.


This project is a work-in-progress and should not be considered stable. Anyone who chooses to use it does so at their own risk.

Entry Point

The entry point to functionality is the AsyncConnector which can wrap an existing Accumulo Connector, optionally with a default Executor for async operations. By default the executor will be the ForkJoinPool.commonPool()

Connector connector = ...

Executor executor = task -> task.run()
AsyncConnector.wrap(connector, executor)

The AsyncConnector exposes an API that parallels the Accumulo APIs but performs operations asynchronously. You will see methods for async table operations, async security operations, and async namespace operations along with ways to construct async writers and async scanners.

Async Writers

Creating an AsyncConditionalWriter is similar to creating a ConditionalWriter using the Accumulo API. First, create an AsyncConditionalWriterConfig. It is similar to the ConditionalWriterConfig but also supports configuring a limit for the memory consumed by in-flight submitted mutations.

It is certainly possible to limit memory usage at the application level.
If you have another mechanism for avoiding out of memory errors, this can be set to Long.MAX_VALUE.

AsyncConditionalWriterConfig config = AsyncConditionalWriterConfig.create()
  .withAuthorizations(new Authorizations("A", "B", "C"))
  .withTimeout(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
  .withLimitedMemoryCapacity(10 * 1024 * 1024);
AsyncConditionalWriter axWriter = axConnector.createConditionalWriter("table", config);

An AsyncConditionalWriter simplifies writing mutations that are dependent on each other as well as performing other actions upon notification that a write has completed.

ConditionalMutation a = new ConditionalMutation("row");
a.addCondition(new Condition("cf", "cq"));
a.put("cf", "cq", "a");

ConditionalMutation b = new ConditionalMutation("row");
b.addCondition(new Condition("cf", "cq").setValue("a"));
b.put("cf", "cq", "b");

ConditionalMutation c = new ConditionalMutation("row");
c.addCondition(new Condition("cf", "cq").setValue("b"));
c.put("cf", "cq", "c");

CompletionStage<Result> resultStage = axWriter.submit(a)

Occasionally it is necessary to perform some work asynchronously and then wait for all of the previously submitted work to complete before moving on. The amount of work might be very large and retaining references to futures could prevent memory from being reclaimed by GC in a timely manner. The AsyncConditionalWriter provides await methods that will block until all previously submitted mutations have been written. The completion is tracked in a very memory-efficient way to avoid aforementioned problems.


Failure Policy

A conditional write operation can return with several status codes. Since an exception is not raised for statuses such as REJECTED, or UNKNOWN, the write stages will complete normally. Often applications need to handle these cases differently and in some cases it is most natural to treat these statuses as an exceptional completion so any downstream composed stages are skipped.

A FailurePolicy allows the application to configure when a status is considered normal or exceptional. By default, the failure policy of a writer considers every status normal.

A common case is to only consider the ACCEPTED status a normal completion and deal with special cases as part of exceptional completion handlers. A writer can be configured with such a failure policy in which case all writes will complete normally only if their result status is ACCEPTED.

AsyncConditionalWriter axWriter = axConnector.createConditionalWriter("table", config)

The failure policy can be customized as needed. Any writers derived from an existing writer through withRateLimit will inherit the failure policy. Similarly when configuring a failure policy, the returned writer will share the rate limiter.

Async Scanning

The asynchronous scanning API is designed around the Java 9 Flow API which provides standard building blocks to connect asynchronous scans to libraries that provide reactive operators for manipulating asynchronous streams.

ax-accumulo class Behaves As
AsyncScanner Flow.Publisher<Cell>
ScanSubscriber Flow.Subscriber<Cell>
ScanSubscription Flow.Subscription

The AsyncScanner acts like an asynchronous Iterable in that it can generate multiple scans from the same recipe. Of course, if the data is actively being modified, there is no isolation across scans just as Accumulo does not provide isolation across rows.

Each call to subscribe(ScanSubscriber) will initiate a separate scan.

AsyncConnector connector = ...

AsyncScanner scanner = asyncConnector.createScanBuilder("table")

ScanSubscriber subscriber = ...

In many cases, all cells within the scanned range need to be collected prior to processing. To simplify this case, the library provides some convenience methods for asynchronously collecting cells.

AsyncConnector connector = ...

AsyncScanner scanner = asyncConnector.createScanBuilder("table")
CompletableFuture<List<Cell>> list = scanner.toList();
CompletableFuture<SortedSet<Cell>> set = scanner.toSortedSet();
CompletableFuture<SortedMap<Key, Value>> map = scanner.toSortedMap();