
Proof of concept for advanced scheduling of rich tasks on a Rust async runtime.

Primary LanguageRust


  • We walked through and commented rich_task_rust
    • Keys to note: Pin type pins the address of the object
    • BoxedFuture just means Pinned
    • Algo: while the ready_queue is not empty and not disconnected move stuff to the run_queue; otherwise run thing on queue until they're blocked; repeat
  • Try to add spawn_with_priority to runtime/spawner.rs and task/spawn.rs
    • this just prints the priority
  • Add test/udp_prio.rs which narrows down to just run one of the udp test requiring spawn
  • run test:
  cargo build --all-features
  cargo check --all-features
  cargo test udp_prio -- --nocapture 2>&1| grep -A 10 prio
  • edited mod.rs and lib.rs to make the new fn visible


11/05/20 - ??? (Eric notes on scheduling in Tokio)

  • Looking in basic_scheduler.rs to understand what is going on
  • They seem to have thread specific queues and a shared queue as well
  • I need to look at how these queues are used (looks like FIFO lol)
  • In addition how the scheduling actually happens (task/mod.rs? or if basic_scheduler is a red herring)

11/09/2020 (Eric notes on Abortable Future)

  • successfully adapted tasks to use AbortableFutures (change ouput signature to match Result<(), Aborted>)
  • tested scheduling abortables with priority and aborting them
  • need to test aborting mid-execution with longer-running tasks than prints LOL

11/10/2020 (Justin notes on integration tests)

  • Refactor codebase and add integration tests
    • Key test is preemptable_by_lower which demonstrates higher priority task pending and then being aborted by lower priority task.
  • Add a spawn_preemptable that takes in a future returns an AbortHandle
  • TODO: Get spawn API to match with the tokio API
  • TODO: Learn how to do conditional pending