SQLite to Language Level Prov-JSON Converter

This tool takes provenance created from noWorkflow and converts it to prov-JSON compliant language level provenance (LL-Prov). This exact format is described here

This repository builds off the work started here and is currently a work in progress.

Why do this?

There are benefits to having multiple languages that can produce langugage level provenance that follows the same format. For example, provDebugR has shown the benefits LL-Prov by providing a debugger that can trace lineage of variables, type check, and allow for reverse-execution debugging. A language agnostic version of provDebugR is being produced that will use the provenance generated from this converter.


from sql_to_json import SqlToJson

inputDB = "prov.sqlite"
outputJSON = "prov.json"
trialNumList = [1]
converter = SqlToJson()
converter.convert(trialNumList, inputDB, outputJSON)

Updates made (so far)

  • Expanded environment node
  • Added agent node
  • Added prefix node
  • Begin refactoring to a more OOP format
  • Data nodes now save variable names
  • Assignment of literals to variables now shows in procedure nodes
  • Environment node moved from activity to entity
  • Edges renamed from 'e' to either "pp", "pd", or "dp"

Current versions

  • Provenance captured from Python 3.5
  • noWorkflow 1.11
  • Language Level Prov-JSON 2.1

Future Features

  • Improve interface to converter
  • more support for provenance inside of function calls
  • more support for provenance inside of loops
  • Finish refactoring to OOP format
  • Data nodes should save variable type
  • make it look less hacky