A dictionary implementing the fantasy-land Monoid, Functor, Foldable and Traversable specifications.
Use this when a plain old javascript object as a map won't do, because you want to combine it with some fantasy-land compatible library like Ramda.
Apart from the fantasy-land required methods, the following methods are supported:
Create a dictionary from a plain javascript object.
Create a dictionary with a single key,value pair.
Returns a new dictionary equal to the previous dictionary with the passed in key,value pair inserted.
Returns a new dictionary equal to the previous dictionary with the passed in key removed.
Like the normal reduce, with the difference that the reducer function is also passed the key of each dictionary entry.
Like the normal reduce, with the difference that the reducer function is also passed the key of each dictionary entry.
Returns the value in the dictionary for the given key. Returns undefined
if the passed in key is not in the dictionary.
Returns an array containing the dictionary's keys.
Returns an array containing the dictionary's values.
Returns the plain old javascript object equivalent of a dictionary.