Research interests include finite element methods, numerical PDE, sustainable software development.
Akselos, Inc.Katy, TX
jwpeterson's Followers
- ANSHURAJ11University of Oklahoma
- azzeddinetibaM2N Lab, CNAM Paris
- brgirgisUSA
- chenhhu
- deepakbiitkCorning Incorporated
- eust-w求职中,有合适岗位请联系我,谢谢您
- fdkongIdaho National Laboratory
- JameshardenB
- Jeff-HughGXAS
- jijoderickThe University of Queensland Australia, Indian institute of Technology, Delhi
- jitinnair1Bengaluru
- ju-liuShenzhen
- junqiangchen微信公众号:最新医学影像技术
- labdalaUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- LHappyCureallUniversity of Macau
- lkampoliThe University of Melbourne
- luchinsky
- mahdipasaieCanada
- mathyoufEarth, the Solar System, Oort Cloud, Orion Arm, Milky Way Galaxy, Virgo Supercluster, Laniakea Supercluster, Universe.
- mSamioloAdige Calculations
- omarlpzlpz
- pockermanML Engineer @ChaseLabs
- pxm321
- QY-Shi
- rayaprolu143Purdue University
- RenatogutizUtrecht University
- sharma-asNepal
- SlamaFRUniversité Gustave Eiffel
- staceywhitmore-inl@IdahoLab
- sunjaybhugeo
- Ttw0626University of Tsukuba
- xu7875
- zhangjy2008327swjtu
- zhangsf2015Oak Ridge National Lab