
The API for the Gotcha game. Gotcha where I want ‘cha

Primary LanguageElixir

Gotcha! API

The Elixir Phoenix API for playing Gotcha! Gotcha. Gotcha where I want cha.


This is the code for the server-side API application for the Gotcha game. It is built using Absinthe and it is powers the Gotcha React Native application.


This project was created using Elixir, Phoenix, and Absinthe.

There are a few pre-requisites that you need to get started.

brew install node
brew install elixir
brew install postgresql
brew services start postgresql
mix archive.install hex phx_new 1.6.9

Then clone or fork this repo.

git clone https://github.com/jwright/gotcha-api.git

Get the dependencies

cd gotcha-api
mix deps.get

Setup the database

mix ecto.setup


You can run the Phoenix server with the following:

mix phx.server

The application will run on port 4000 by default so you can access the web app at http://localhost:4000.

Running Tests

ExUnit is the test framework that was used for this application.

To run all of the tests for this application, you can run the following within the root directory.

mix test


  1. Fork the repository hub fork https://github.com/jwright/gotcha-api.git
  2. Create a feature branch git checkout -b my-awesome-feature
  3. Codez!
  4. Commit your changes (small commits please)
  5. Push your new branch git push origin my-awesome-feature
  6. Create a merge request hub pull-request -b jwright:main -h <your-account>:my-awesome-feature