
The React Native client application for playing Gotcha!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The React Native client application for playing Gotcha! Gotcha. Gotcha where I want cha.


This is the code for the React Native application for the Gotcha game. It is built using expo and it is powered by the Gotcha API.


This project was created using React Native and, more specifically, Expo.

You need a few prerequisites before you can get started.

brew install node
brew install watchman

You then need to install the Expo CLI.

npm install expo-cli --global

Then clone or fork this repo.

git clone https://github.com/jwright/gotcha-app.git


Running the Expo DevTools

There is a JavaScript script that will start Expo, run the server, and allow you to run the application on a simulator or a device.

yarn start


  1. Fork the repository hub fork https://github.com/jwright/gotcha-app.git
  2. Create a feature branch git checkout -b my-awesome-feature
  3. Codez!
  4. Commit your changes (small commits please)
  5. Push your new branch git push origin my-awesome-feature
  6. Create a merge request hub pull-request -b jwright:master -h <your-account>:my-awesome-feature