Really ties Slack together.
Lebotski allows you to have a bit of fun in the business of Slack. It's very interesting man.
Lebotski allows a user to find a bowling alley, a dispensary, or a cocktail around you.
- Install the depedencies
mix deps.get
- Create the database (if necessary)
You may need to adjust the database connection string in config/dev.exs.
mix ecto.create
- Prepare environment variables
There are several environment variables that are necessary to run the application locally. We are using direnv to handle the environment variables outside the application.
To set this up initially, you will need to install direnv
brew install direnv
Then you need to add the following line at the end of your ~/.zshrc
file (or whatever is appropriate for your shell).
eval "$(direnv hook zsh)"
The necessary environment variables are stored in .envrc.example
and so you should copy this file as .envrc
cp .envrc.example .envrc
Once it is copied, add the values to the .envrc
file. Reach out to a developer to receive these values. You can then allow the new environment variables to be read in.
direnv allow
- Start the Phoenix server
mix phx.server
You can run the tasks with the standard mix command:
mix test
This application is deployed to Fly using Docker by following this guide.
The application can manually be deployed using the Fly CLI with the following procedure.
First, prepare your environment for deployment. The following only needs to be done once on your current environment.
- Install the command line interface. For MacOS, you can install via the following:
brew install flyctl
For other environments, refer to this Guide
- Log in to the command line.
flyctl auth login
Now, you are ready to deply via fly CLI!
flyctl deploy
The production application lives at
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Create a feature branch
git checkout -b my-awesome-feature
- Codez!
- Commit your changes (small commits please)
- Push your new branch
git push origin my-awesome-feature
- Create a pull request
gh pr create -b jwright:main -h jwright:my-awesome-feature