Liberty Database Analytics

John Wright
Edward Poore
Danny Peters

various testing files

Required Ruby Gems:



new: creates a new database object with the ability to specific a certain database

getData: returns a hash keyed by cell names after recieving the database parameter to query. 

getLeakage: returns a hash keyed by cells names, the value of each entry is another hash keyed by 'when' conditions containing leakage data.

getFootprints: returns an array containing the names of all cell footprints as strings

getCellFootprint: returns the name of the givens cell's footprint as a string

getCells: returns an array containing the names of all cells

getCellsInFootprint: returns an array containing the cell names in the specified footprint

query: performs a custom database query with logging, used by other 'get' functions as well

getOutputMaxCap: returns a hash with cell names as keys and the sum of the pin max capacitance as a value

getTimingData: returns a hash with keys of the format cell_name.pin_name.timing_type[when], values are hashes with keys of min,max,avg

close: Closes the database and logfile



new: creates a new plot object and requires two arrays passed as hashs (x,y)
findOutliers: finds outliers and outputs them in a seperate data file, defaulted to "outliers.dat"
generatePlot: generates a plot based on options given

Extends the Enumerable and adds the following functions
sum: returns a sum of the given array
mean: returns the average of the given array
variance: returns of variance of the given array
stdDev: returns the standard deviation of the given array
fiveNumSum: returns the five number summary of the given array as an array {min,q1,med,q3,max}
median: returns the median of the given array 

Included is a set of tools that connect to  a remote database, with defaults set  in LibertyDatabase.rb. 
The default configuration for our uses is as follows:
mysql host: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
mysql db: LiberyFileUpdate
mysql user: guest
mysql pass: liberty