
Create a categorized image of an unorganized directory

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

File Categorization Utility

Create a categorized image of an unorganized directory (e.g. a disk dump). Each contained file is classified according to its suffix or signatures (also known as magic numbers or magic bytes) and moved/copied/linked to a corresponding directory in the output directory.

Quick Example

If you want to organize a directory which looks like this (or possibly a thousand times worse):

├── definitely_not_porn
│   ├── cool.mkv
│   ├── omg.mkv
│   └── secret
│       ├── nice.jpg
│       └── wow.mkv
├── documents
│   ├── dir1
│   │   ├── not_a_doc.doc
│   │   └── untitled.ods
│   ├── dir2
│   │   ├── document.odt
│   │   └── untitled.ods
│   └── recording.mp3
├── random_stuff
│   ├── document.docx
│   ├── howto.pdf
│   └── paper.docx
└── song.mp3

you can run categorize_files.py -c mime_content -p copy -i flat_name input to get it done:

├── application
│   ├── pdf
│   │   └── howto.pdf
│   ├── vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet
│   │   ├── untitled.ods
│   │   └── untitled.ods.1
│   ├── vnd.oasis.opendocument.text
│   │   ├── document.odt
│   │   └── not_a_doc.doc
│   └── vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
│       ├── document.docx
│       └── paper.docx
├── audio
│   └── mpeg
│       ├── recording.mp3
│       └── song.mp3
├── image
│   └── jpeg
│       └── nice.jpg
└── video
    └── x-matroska
        ├── cool.mkv
        ├── omg.mkv
        └── wow.mkv


There are three essential parameters: classification criterion, file system operation used to create the categorized files, and output image structure. Several other parameters are available, for more information see the built-in help (-h/--help argument). To demonstrate how these parameters affect the output, the following directory tree will be used as input:

├── app1
│   ├── python_bytecode.pyc
│   ├── python_script.py
│   └── shell_script
└── app2
    ├── python_bytecode.pyc
    ├── python_script.py
    └── shell_script

Classification Criterion

A criterion by which files are classified. Set by the -c/--criterion argument with one of the following options:

  • suffix -- the file suffix (extension)
├── py
│   ├── python_script.py
│   └── python_script.py.1
├── pyc
│   ├── python_bytecode.pyc
│   └── python_bytecode.pyc.1
└── unknown
    ├── shell_script
    └── shell_script.1
  • mime_name -- guess the MIME type of the file based on its filename
├── application
│   └── x-python-code
│       ├── python_bytecode.pyc
│       └── python_bytecode.pyc.1
├── text
│   └── x-python
│       ├── python_script.py
│       └── python_script.py.1
└── unknown
    ├── shell_script
    └── shell_script.1
  • mime_content -- guess the MIME type of the file based on its content
├── application
│   └── octet-stream
│       ├── python_bytecode.pyc
│       └── python_bytecode.pyc.1
└── text
    ├── x-python
    │   ├── python_script.py
    │   └── python_script.py.1
    └── x-shellscript
        ├── shell_script
        └── shell_script.1

File System Operation

A file system operation used to create the categorized file. Set by the -p/--operation argument with one of the following options:

  • move -- move (rename) the file
  • copy -- copy the file
  • hard_link -- create a hard link pointing to the file
  • symbolic_link -- create a symbolic link (symlink) pointing to the file
├── py
│   ├── python_script.py -> /path/to/the/input/app2/python_script.py
│   └── python_script.py.1 -> /path/to/the/input/app1/python_script.py
├── pyc
│   ├── python_bytecode.pyc -> /path/to/the/input/app2/python_bytecode.pyc
│   └── python_bytecode.pyc.1 -> /path/to/the/input/app1/python_bytecode.pyc
└── unknown
    ├── shell_script -> /path/to/the/input/app2/shell_script
    └── shell_script.1 -> /path/to/the/input/app1/shell_script

Output Image Structure

Determines file names and a directory structure of the output image directory. Set by the -i/--image-structure argument with one of the following options:

  • flat_name -- input directories are not preserved. Collisions are possible.
├── py
│   ├── python_script.py
│   └── python_script.py.1
├── pyc
│   ├── python_bytecode.pyc
│   └── python_bytecode.pyc.1
└── unknown
    ├── shell_script
    └── shell_script.1
  • flat_path -- input directories encoded in the file name (path separator characters are replaced with underscores). Collisions are possible.
├── py
│   ├── app1_python_script.py
│   └── app2_python_script.py
├── pyc
│   ├── app1_python_bytecode.pyc
│   └── app2_python_bytecode.pyc
└── unknown
    ├── app1_shell_script
    └── app2_shell_script
  • nested -- input directories are preserved. Collisions are not possible.
├── py
│   ├── app1
│   │   └── python_script.py
│   └── app2
│       └── python_script.py
├── pyc
│   ├── app1
│   │   └── python_bytecode.pyc
│   └── app2
│       └── python_bytecode.pyc
└── unknown
    ├── app1
    │   └── shell_script
    └── app2
        └── shell_script

Known Bugs and TODOs

  • Using the flat_path output image structure may create file names longer than the file system can handle.
    • Currently [Errno 36] File name too long: 'filename' is reported and the affected file is skipped.
    • In POSIX, the limis is defined by NAME_MAX which is usually set to 255 chars.
    • To eliminate this, some kind of name ellipsization would be necessary.
  • Some information about file format identification can be found here or here