
NANDboard: hands-on Boolean algebra

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NANDboard: hands-on Boolean algebra


Starting in the 2012/13 academic year, the Computer Science Department at the University of Bristol changed how the Undergraduate-level, 1st year (or "freshman") Computer Architecture unit was delivered. Although it always had a practical emphasis, there was a view it should be even more hands-on: there were various motivations, included the fact that a) by doing so the topic could be more engaging, but also b) it seeds an ethos and skills that are of general use: for example, it could mean students participate more actively in maker-like, hardware-based (vs. software-only) projects.

The NANDboard, designed by Simon Hollis, was among various innovations introduced; Simon left at the end of the 2014/15 academic year, prompting forcing me to learn the basics of PCB design and subsequently revise his initial NANDboard version.


Although fundamentally important in Computer Science, Boolean algebra is a notoriously dry topic. The problem is exacerbated when hands-on experience amounts to solving paper-and-pencil exercises; the typical result is for students to be increasingly uninterested and disengaged. The underlying causes are varied, and differ from student to student. However, anecdotally at least, the following are common:

  • There is a disconnection between theory and practice, in the sense it is unclear how Boolean algebra directly relates to intuitively useful forms of computation; this typically leads to students disengaging, based on the view that said theory has no practical use (to them).
  • Paper-and-pencil exercises are of a necessarily small scale, which can mean toy problems dominate; this typically leads to students disengaging, e.g., because they can easily solve said problems so avoid any deeper investigation of physical constraints and properties, and unusual designs (e.g., a C-element).
  • In part due to the wealth of resources available, modern students are used to and excited by the immediacy of software development; this is often direct motivation for studying Computer Science in the first place, with Boolean algebra feeling like a regression towards Mathematics (which, for some, is less popular).

Put another way, this approach is similar, by analogy, to learning C by studying the language and "hello world" style programs without ever actually compiling and executing them.

An obvious alternative is to connect theory and practice directly, by supporting genuinely hands-on, experimental tasks. One way to do so might be to equip each student with a breadboard and some 7400 series ICs. However, for us at least, this presented some problems: a) our large cohort sizes (of 150 or so students) make the logistics involved quite challenging, b) said cohorts are typically unfamiliar with, and sometimes have an outright dislike for electronics. The NANDboard attempts to manage these problems. Conceptually, it is just a USB-powered breadboard pre-populated with NAND gates: it could be viewed as a form of NAND-only PLA, st. implementation of a Boolean expression (cf. programming the PLA) amounts to connecting pin headers (i.e., the gate inputs and outputs) using jumper wire. There are, of course, some gratuitous blinkenlights to visualise the inputs and outputs.


Motivated in part by observing how students use them, the NANDboard design has gone through several revisions as is illustrated below:

Revision Prototype PCB Design files
D schematic (plus PDF), board, BOM, OSH Park (PCB), Octopart (BOM)
E schematic (plus PDF), board, BOM, OSH Park (PCB), Octopart (BOM)

At a high level, the (most recent revision of the) board is organised into various groups (or blocks). You can see them in the photograph, but, given the board is rotated somewhat, it's easier to consider the following block diagram:

|o                                     USB     o|
| +----------+----------+----------+----------+ |
| |          |          |          |          | |
| | input    | constant | output   | power    | |
| | group    | group    | group    | group    | |
| |          |          |          |          | |
| +----------+----------+----------+----------+ |
| |                     |                     | |
| | NAND                | NAND                | |
| | group #1            | group #3            | |
| |                     |                     | |
| +---------------------+---------------------+ |
| |                     |                     | |
| | NAND                | NAND                | |
| | group #2            | group #4            | |
| |                     |                     | |
| +---------------------+---------------------+ |
|o                                             o|

The NAND group(s)

Viewed from left-to-right, each NAND group comprises

  • an 8x2 input pin header,
  • an IC that houses 4 NAND gates,
  • an 8x2 output pin header, and
  • 4 output LEDs,

so can be thought of conceptually as the following block diagram:

 input pins                NAND gates             output pins         LEDs
 _____|_____        ___________|__________        _____|_____        __|__
/           \      /                      \      /           \      /     \

+-----+-----+      +----------------------+      +-----+-----+
| x_0 | x_0 | ~~~> |                      |      | r_0 | r_0 |      +-----+
+-----+-----+      | r_0 = ~( x_0 & y_0 ) | ~~~> +-----+-----+ ~~~> | l_0 |
| y_0 | y_0 | ~~~> |                      |      | r_0 | r_0 |      +-----+
+-----+-----+      |                      |      +-----+-----+
| x_1 | x_1 | ~~~> |                      |      | r_1 | r_1 |      +-----+
+-----+-----+      | r_1 = ~( x_1 & y_1 ) | ~~~> +-----+-----+ ~~~> | l_1 |
| y_1 | y_1 | ~~~> |                      |      | r_1 | r_1 |      +-----+
+-----+-----+      |                      |      +-----+-----+
| x_2 | x_2 | ~~~> |                      |      | r_2 | r_2 |      +-----+
+-----+-----+      | r_2 = ~( x_2 & y_2 ) | ~~~> +-----+-----+ ~~~> | l_2 |
| y_2 | y_2 | ~~~> |                      |      | r_2 | r_2 |      +-----+
+-----+-----+      |                      |      +-----+-----+
| x_3 | x_3 | ~~~> |                      |      | r_3 | r_3 |      +-----+
+-----+-----+      | r_3 = ~( x_3 & y_3 ) | ~~~> +-----+-----+ ~~~> | l_3 |
| y_3 | y_3 | ~~~> |                      |      | r_3 | r_3 |      +-----+
+-----+-----+      +----------------------+      +-----+-----+

The basic idea is:

  • Each group houses 4 replicated instances of the same structure, the i-th of which computes r_i = ~( x_i & y_i ).
    We use on the 0-th, top-most instance as an example throughout the following.

  • The computation of r_0 = ~( x_0 & y_0 ) relates to the top 4 pins (i.e., top 2 rows) of both the input and output pins headers: the input pins marked x_0 and y_0 provided an input to the NAND gate, which produces a result reflected on the output pins marked r_0.
    Each output pin is also connected to an LED, allowing the state (i.e., 0 or 1) to be visualised.

  • Note there are 2 pins marked x_0 and y_0 on the input pin header: since they are connected together, either of the 2 pins (i.e., the left- or right-hand pin marked x_0) can be used to provide the associated input. Likewise, there are 4 pins marked r_0 on the output pin header: the NAND gate output is replicated on each of those pins.

  • Each input pin is pulled-down, meaning that x_0 and y_0 are 0 and r_0 is 1 by default.
    However, an input pin can be freely connected (via jumper wire) to any other

    • input pin,
    • output pin, or
    • constant pin,

    elsewhere on the board.

The input group

Viewed from left-to-right, the input group comprises

  • 4 switches (or buttons),
  • an 8x2 output pin header, and
  • 4 output LEDs,

so can be thought of conceptually as the following block diagram:

switches       output pins         LEDs
 __|__         _____|_____        __|__
/     \       /           \      /     \

+-----+       | s_0 | s_0 |      +-----+
| s_0 | ~~~>  +-----+-----+ ~~~> | l_0 |
+-----+       | s_0 | s_0 |      +-----+
+-----+       | s_1 | s_1 |      +-----+
| s_1 | ~~~>  +-----+-----+ ~~~> | l_1 |
+-----+       | s_1 | s_1 |      +-----+
+-----+       | s_2 | s_2 |      +-----+
| s_2 | ~~~>  +-----+-----+ ~~~> | l_2 |
+-----+       | s_2 | s_2 |      +-----+
+-----+       | s_3 | s_3 |      +-----+
| s_3 | ~~~>  +-----+-----+ ~~~> | l_3 |
+-----+       | s_3 | s_3 |      +-----+

The basic idea is: each switch is connected to 4 output pins which switch state, i.e., when the switch is pressed (resp. not pressed) the pins are 1 (resp. 0). Each output pin is also connected to an LED, allowing the state (i.e., 0 or 1) to be visualised. The purpose of this group is to allow convenient control of inputs at a fixed location on the board. It is obviously possible to control each input to a design using a jumper wire, then manually connecting it to (resp. disconnected it from) a constant pin to produce a 1 (resp. 0); a switch offers the same functionality, but is far easier to use.

The output group

Viewed from left-to-right, the output group comprises

  • an 8x2 input pin header, and
  • 4 output LEDs,
 input pins          LEDs
 _____|_____        __|__
/           \      /     \

| x_0 | x_0 |      +-----+
+-----+-----+ ~~~> | l_0 |
| x_0 | x_0 |      +-----+
| x_1 | x_1 |      +-----+
+-----+-----+ ~~~> | l_1 | 
| x_1 | x_1 |      +-----+
| x_2 | x_2 |      +-----+
+-----+-----+ ~~~> | l_2 |
| x_2 | x_2 |      +-----+
| x_3 | x_3 |      +-----+
+-----+-----+ ~~~> | l_3 |
| x_3 | x_3 |      +-----+

The basic idea is: each input pin is connected to an LED, allowing the state (i.e., 0 or 1) to be visualised. The purpose of this group is to allow visualisation of outputs at a fixed location on the board, rather than via one of the NAND groups (the location of which may change, as the design evolves).

The constant group

The constant group comprises an 8x2 output pin header, so can be thought of conceptually as the following block diagram:

constant pins
/           \

|  1  |  1  |
|  1  |  1  |
|  1  |  1  |
|  1  |  1  |
|  1  |  1  |
|  1  |  1  |
|  1  |  1  |
|  1  |  1  |

The basic idea is: each constant pin is 1. That's it! The purpose of this group is related to the fact that elsewhere, an input pin is 0-by-default. Imagine that rather than r_0 = ~( x_0 & y_0 ), you need to compute r_0 = ~( x_0 & 1 ) for some reason: a reasonable approach is to connect the y_0 input pin of the NAND gate to a 1-by-default pin in the constant group.


  • Mainly because I already had a license for it, I used Eagle plus some 3rd-party libraries, e.g., for

    to implement the design. In hindsight it would've been more useful to use KiCad, and porting the implementation may be worthwhile in the long-term.

  • Clearly one could produce a NORboard equivalent: you don't need a separate design, since replacing the NAND-based ICs for NOR-based versions should be enough.

  • I'm in love with, and in awe of, the beautiful PCBs designed by Boldport. I'm not sure what it'd look like, but you could argue it might be interesting to explore a more creative, aesthetically pleasing NANDboard along similar lines.