Mountaineer Market

(An e-commerce site)


This is an e-commerce site focused on musical instruments. The site has full CRUD functionality, with an admin user being able to add, edit, and delete products from the database.

The site consists of a landing page, product pages separated by category, an individual item show page, a shopping cart, contact page, login page, and the admin edit/delete and add pages.

The site focuses heavily on CSS styling elements to provide a smooth UI and an enjoyable page to navigate.

Technologies Used

  • JavaScript
  • Mongoose
  • MongoDB
  • Express
  • Node.js
  • EJS
  • CSS
  • Postman


Landing Page - Desktop


Show Page - Desktop


Shopping Cart - Mobile


Guitar Category - Mobile


Getting Started

The majority of the page can be visited without logging in. However, due to some of the routing, you will need to sign in to see all of the features of the page.

You do not need to enter your email address if you do not want to. You can do one of two things if you choose not to enter your email:

  1. You can use email: and password: 1234 If you choose to use this email, please be aware there may already be items in the cart.
  2. You may make up an email, since there is no validation requirement to enter the site.

To see the deployed site, please visit:

Future Improvements

Bind admin rights to certain profiles and populate the nav bar with direct routes to the 'new products' and 'edit products' pages of the site when those admin profiles are signed in.

Change the home icon to a hamburger icon that populates a full-page menu over the current page on mobile and drop-down menus on the desktop version of the site.