
AsoSoft Text Corpus is the first large scale text corpus for the Kurdish language.

AsoSoft Kurdish Text Corpus Ver 1.0

AsoSoft Text Corpus is the first large scale text corpus for the Kurdish language. This text corpus is compiled and processed by AsoSoft R&D Group (http://asosoft.com/en/).

This repository includes the following files:

  1. AsoSoft Text Corpus Large Version: This file contains 75 million tokens.
  2. AsoSoft Text Corpus Small Version:: This file contains 5 million tokens.
  3. AsoSoft topic annotated dataset.


A lot of normalization is done on this text corpus, including:

  • Non-unicode characters are converted.
  • Multi-code Unicode Characters are unified and converted to Kurdish characters.
  • Everywhere ("h"+ "ZWNJ") is used, it is replaced Kurdish "ە".
  • If conjuctive "و" is joined to its previous word, it is separated using a novel suggested algorithm.
  • Everywhere "ر" or "وو" is used as the first letter of words, it is replaced with "ڕ" or "وو" correspondingly.
  • ...
More detail about normalization which is done is presented in our paper.


Asosoft text corpus is applicable for following research areas:

• Linguistics

• Lexicography

• NLP and Speech Processing

o Extracting language models

o Word vector representation

o Topic Identification

o Extracting computational lexicons

How to Use

Some common editors for work with large text files are: EmEdior, TlCorpus, TextPad and so forth.


This text corpus in for non-commercial use and researchers all over the world can use it for research projects.

NOTE: If you are using our text corpus cite us.

Hadi Veisi, Mohammad MohammadAmini, Hawre Hosseini; Toward Kurdish language processing: Experiments in collecting and processing the AsoSoft text corpus, Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, , fqy074, https://doi.org/10.1093/llc/fqy074