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[Security] Prototype Pollution in nJwt library
#105 opened by chrisandoryan - 1
How to report security issues?
#104 opened by chrisandoryan - 1
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how to set expired time in jwt?
#92 opened by tytom2003 - 1
Twistlock reported issue with test keys
#95 opened by rcollette - 6
JwtParseError: Signature verification failed
#46 opened by lexicalninja - 1
JwtParseError: Signature verification failed
#97 opened by KaitaniLabs - 1
If token is not HS256 using a verifier instance will throw a JwtParseError "Unexpected signature algorithm"
#73 opened by Anntoin - 7
Add Typings
#69 opened by elecompte60 - 0
allocates uninitialized Buffers when number is passed in base64urlEncode input
#78 opened by hmangune - 0
RSA key format
#76 opened by 8coins - 0
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Remove jti?
#68 opened by rlaferla - 0
TLS issue
#66 opened by jayheavner - 1
Documentation for installation?
#67 opened by rlaferla - 2
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Undocumented - Return in verify
#64 opened by fabltd - 2
vulnerablity found - Out-of-bounds Read
#62 opened by Toxicable - 0
Expiration check succeeds on expired tokens - 'exp' looked for in body, not in header
#57 opened by woodenork - 0
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Suggestion: throw an error if you call create with string as signing key instead of a Buffer
#53 opened by pingvinen - 0
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Docker Issue
#51 opened by SiddiquiImran - 0
Custom algorithm
#48 opened by Teukros - 0
verify a google jwt?
#47 opened by walshe - 0
Times should be in seconds, not milliseconds
#45 opened by lylefile - 1
Add `jwt.setHeader(key,value)`
#25 opened by robertjd - 0
Implement key resolver
#26 opened by robertjd - 0
Export the Parser
#39 opened by jkevlin2 - 0
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is setNotbefore() working?
#37 opened by mikeliucc - 2
Jwt created by verify() is not setting signingKey
#35 opened by safm - 1
Why not asymetric crypto?
#34 opened by levino - 0
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Potentially support kid header?
#24 opened by ethul - 6
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0.3.1 creates invalid tokens
#16 opened by CDA0 - 1
ES* signatures are not spec compliant
#11 opened by omsmith - 1
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Please document how to create a custom header
#10 opened by edjiang - 0
README Documentation Incorrect
#8 opened by rdegges - 2
body vs parsedBody
#7 opened by jmls - 1
JWT header and body not URL-encoded
#6 opened by davidlenthall - 2
jti and iat overwritten during parse
#4 opened by WebWalks