
Various weechat plugins

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


Various weechat scripts I use.


You need to install BurntToast first and modify it to work with WSL UNC paths (at least until WSL team fixes their shit). After installation find ((Get-Module -ListAvailable BurntToast).path, on my machine it's in C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\BurntToast) and edit BurntToast.psm1 file. Edit lines 9 and 15 (as of 2020-11-24) so the Optimize-BTImageSource function looks somewhat like this (note $Source -like '\\wsl$\*' added to if statemets as first condition):

function Optimize-BTImageSource {
    param (
        [String] $Source,

        [Switch] $ForceRefresh
    if ($Source -like '\\wsl$\*' -or [bool]([System.Uri]$Source).IsUnc -or $Source -like 'http?://*') {
        $RemoteFileName = $Source -replace '/|:|\\', '-'

        $NewFilePath = '{0}\{1}' -f $Env:TEMP, $RemoteFileName

        if (!(Test-Path -Path $NewFilePath) -or $ForceRefresh) {
            if ($Source -like '\\wsl$\*' -or [bool]([System.Uri]$Source).IsUnc) {

Then make sure you have wslpath and wslvar available on your WSL installation. I think wslpath is standard and wslvar is available by default on Ubuntu and maybe others but if it's not installed on your then grab it here.

Then install the script as you would any other weechat python script and make sure plugins.var.python.wsl_notify.icon_path points to a valid icon (not sure if SVGs work), by default it points to 128x128 weechat icon on a standard Arch installation.

Then, if you want to, you can run /wsl_notify gen_appid_script in weechat and run the generated powershell script to register a separate appid for this script so it can be managed separately by windows focus assist and similar without affecting all powershell notifications. Remember to set plugins.var.python.wsl_notify.use_custom_appid to on so the script will actually use it.


# make sure you start mpv with --input-ipc-server or set it in config
# set $mpv_socket to mpv socket path and $screenshot_path_capture to path with write access
# $post_url should be set to url to which POST request will be sent (for example https://example.com/upload.php)
# $upload_data is data sent with POST request, a dictionary in string form (to allow it to be stored in weechat config, later converted to dict)
# default dictionary only includes a secret field, which might not even be needed in some cases
# $file_form_name is the name of field in which screenshot will be POSTed (usually something like "upload")
# $url_field_name is used to extract url from response, this plugin excepts JSON response so set it to the name of JSON field containing url
# supported fields in $format fields: $filename, $mediatitle, $percentage, $bar, $playbacktime, $duration
# $mediatitle will default to $filename if no media title available
# $url only supported in $format-ss


/mpv will say now playing video: /me is watching example.mp4 [>>>>>>87%>>>>--] [10:59/12:30]

/mpv-ss will say now playing video and also include url to a screenshot: /me https://i.nicedomain.club/example.jpg video.mp4 [-------0%------] [00:00:01/01:45:00]

Screenshots are send as a POST request so make sure you set all the config options properly. Default (mostly nonexistant) options will not work. Hosting services not responding in JSON are not supported (line 85 is the one you need to modify if you want to adapt it).

WSL instructions

They get their own section. This is still a bit wonky solution (especially the paths) so I will probably improve it someday™.

# WSL ONLY INSTRUCTIONS (weechat in WSL, mpv on windows) (are you a masochist? because i am):
# * instead of unix socket use a named pipe path in --input-ipc-server (for example \\.\pipe\mpv-pipe)
# * install npiperelay (https://github.com/jstarks/npiperelay) and socat
# * route pipe to $mpv_socket, for example:
#   `socat UNIX-LISTEN:/tmp/mpvsocket,fork EXEC:"npiperelay.exe -ep -s //./pipe/mpv-pipe",nofork`
# * $screenshot_path_capture is passed to mpv on windows so path must be windows-style but with *forward* slashes
#   and mpv must have write access there (idk how exactly this works, best to just set it to mpv install dir)
# * $screenshot_path_upload points to screenshot from WSL perspective, so unix-style path is required
#   for example '/mnt/c/mpv/screenshot.jpg'
# * if $screenshot_path_upload does not match $screenshot_path_capture the screenshot will not upload:
#   'Failed to upload screenshot: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/mnt/c/mpv/np_screenshot.jpg''
#   (this applies to other path mistakes so check them carefully, script will skip $url if upload errors out)


# install foo_controlserver (https://github.com/audiohead/foo_controlserver)
# set port to $foobar_port, delimiter to '|||' and enable server
# enable utf-8 output/input for non-ascii characters support
# supported fields in $format: $artist, $albumartist, $date, $title, $album


/np will say now playing track: /me NP: "What If (Soman Remix)" by DYM from The Technocratic Deception (2012)

Unsupported directory

This directory contains plugins which I no longer use and do not plan on updating. For archival and reference purposes.