
ENPH 353 Competition Repository

Primary LanguagePython

2019F UBC Parking competition

The repository contains the following ROS packages:

Folders Description
enph353_gazebo describes simulation world
enph353_npcs describes and controls pedestrian and Ford truck
enph353_utils contains competition startup scripts
adeept_awr describes and controls simulated Adeept AWR robot
adeept_awr_ros_driver controls real world Adeept AWR robot

Installation instructions:

  • If you do not have a workspace already create one in your home directory.
mkdir -p ~/353_ws/src
cd ~/353_ws/src
  • Clone the repository into a catkin workspace src folder.
git clone https://github.com/ENPH353/2019F_competition_students.git
  • Build the packages
roscd; cd ..
  • Source the environment
source devel/setup.bash
  • Start the simulated world
cd src/enph353_2019F_competition/enph353/enph353_utils/scripts
./run_sim.sh -vpgl

The available options are:

Option Description
-v spawn vehicle
-p spawn pedestrian
-g generate new license plates
-l display QR code labels