A simple modification of the https://vagrantcloud.com/smallhadroncollider/centos-6.5-lamp vagrant box
A PHP 5.3/MySQL developer environment with virtual hosts for separate parallel projects.
- additional port forwarding, host: 80 to guest: 80
- php53u-mbstring
- nano
- phpMyAdmin
- password for mysql (required by phpMyAdmin)
- virtual hosts
- php session.save_path changed
- php error reporting changed
- add new virtual host from a local file
- restart httpd
- phpMyAdmin is available via localhost/phpMyAdmin
- create a new project dir under the public directory, i.e. public/myproj
- edit the provision/httpd.conf.add.new.vhost file by copying the contents of httpd.conf.append and replacing the lines
- DocumentRoot /vagrant/public to DocumentRoot /vagrant/public/myproj
- ServerName localhost to ServerName myproj.localhost
- edit your host's hosts file and add the new myproj.localhost domain targeted to
- run vagrant reload
- have fun :)
the original box requires the virtualizastion turned on in BIOS