Pytorch implementation of Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) for Object Detection
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ImportError:/fpn.pytorch-master/lib/model/nms/_ext/nms/_nms.so: undefined symbol: __cudaPopCallConfiguration
#56 opened by AndrewNest - 1
Does it support PyTorch1.0 or higher?
#54 opened by yudawen - 2
sh make.sh error
#34 opened by he010103 - 0
sh make.sh 编译不通过
#55 opened by lllllmaster-lulllll - 2
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train on my dataset
#48 opened by ttianwang - 5
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rcnn_box loss equals to 0 when training
#17 opened by maozezhong - 0
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train with multi gpus can not work
#52 opened by mynameischaos - 5
COCO Results
#29 opened by haorui-ji - 1
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No such file or directory:log
#24 opened by KevinQian97 - 1
torch.log(torch.sqrt(h * w) / 224.0) in fpn.py
#49 opened by fafancier - 0
Conversion to TensorRT
#51 opened by ma-siddiqui - 0
roi pooling
#50 opened by Youggie - 7
RCNN_roi_align ERROR when training
#21 opened by xiaomengyc - 5
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about rpn_loss_box is zero
#46 opened by ww451575464 - 1
There was a bug when I continued to train the model. RuntimeError: Expected object of type torch.FloatTensor but found type torch.cuda.FloatTensor for argument #4 'other'
#45 opened by smileSJin - 0
bbox_outside_weights normalized incorrectly (anchor_target_layer_fpn.py:136)
#44 opened by rschwieterman - 1
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inconsistant anchor reference (may be the cause of the lower accuracy than faster-rcnn)
#6 opened by doronpor - 0
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irq/133-nvidia error
#40 opened by mathpopo - 2
longtensor and reciprocal
#31 opened by planckztd - 0
#39 opened by SmallHedgehog - 1
The version of pytorch
#27 opened by bnu-wangxun - 0
How to load the Images into the network?
#38 opened by JackJWWong - 0
TypeError: 'list' object is not callable
#37 opened by XingLiuJia - 6
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demo.py is not updated for fpn
#15 opened by Karthik-Suresh93 - 2
Cuda Error: invalid argument nms_cuda_kernel.cu
#18 opened by ljtruong - 1
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no file or directory: RCNN_rpn
#10 opened by wyzjack - 3
Specify dim in softmax function
#22 opened by tianlu-wang - 3
Why is FPN worse than Faster-rcnn?
#5 opened by laidy3 - 0
I want to join you do some code task for free.
#28 opened by ImMrMa - 3
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GPU Memory issues about the ROI Pooling lib
#23 opened by lyxok1 - 0
Got 80.5 mAP on Pascal VOC 2007
#20 opened by ruoqianguo - 1
what is resnet101_caffe.pth
#14 opened by yuanyuan1993 - 0
Definition of ResNet
#8 opened by qiuzheFD - 0
confused about the BN layer
#7 opened by iSmida