
PowerShell Module for Managing Azure Devops Organizations

Primary LanguagePowerShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Latest Version PowerShell Gallery Issues License Discord
Latest Version Powershell Gallery GitHub issues GitHub license Discord Server


The AzDevOps project is designed to leverage the Azure Devops Rest API through the use of PowerShell. Currently the modules are all written in PowerShell which should make the code easier to understand and modify as needed. The project will use Semantic Versioning for modules, these version numbers should also be reflected in the tags.


The AzDevOps module is composed of multiple nested modules, each module represents a specific set of APIs that are available. Each of these modules is a self-contained repository within the project and should have the same look and feel throughout. Several tools are leveraged to facilitate keeping things as uniform as possible and we will outline them below.


This project uses PlatyPS for framing and updating the help files and external help used by the functions.


A few things within each module are automated by psake such as the functions that are exported, as well as the README file for each module.

Syntax Checking

PSScriptAnalyzer is used to check the code against a set of standards, this ensures that the code works as expected when ran.


This is currently a work in progress, but we should be leveraging pester in a future update as well as the PowerShellBuild Module. Additionally we will be leveraging Azure Pipelines to validate versions of PowerShell and OS compatability.


The module will be available directly from GitHub, we are looking to create Tagged releases that are easy to download. Additionally the code will be available on the PowerShell Gallery for a more streamlined delivery.

AzDevOps Module


This module provides the ability to manage and work with an Azure Devops organization.

AzDevOps Cmdlets

This function will connect to Azure DevOps

Return one or more builds from a project

Gets a definition, optionally at a specific revision.

Gets a list of build definition folders

Gets the logs for a build

Gets an operation from the the operationId using the given pluginId.

Get one or more available processes

Get one or many projects from Azure DevOps

Get a collection of team project Property

Get a specific team

Get a list of members for a specific team.

Query Azure Devops

Creates a new folder

Queues a project to be created

Create a team in a team project

Deletes a build

Deletes a definition folder

Queues a project to be deleted

Delete a team.

Queues a build

Update Name, Description or Abbreviation of a project

Update a team's name and/or description