
Primary LanguageJava

Student: Jeremy Mah
ID: 10053908
CPCS 501
TUT: MW @ 10

Uses gradle buildscripts...to build:
		./gradlew clean build cleanEclipse eclipse

from the main folder.
That will compile the 3 projects and create .project folders to be used by eclipse.
When I split the project into 3 separate projects I broke the build/run features and at the moment
this ONLY works when running in eclipse.


The Main class is driver/src/main/java/Driver.java
(althought serializer and deserializer can be run independently provided Mains have sufficient info)

add 2 arguments: [hostname] [port]
to the run configurations and follow the on screen instructions.
Hostname would be the address of the server, and port being the listening port.
For the server the hostname should not matter but the port is important.

Refactorings mostly done on the fly, tried to pick some out from version control